✎ ✦ 𝟏𝟑 . ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 ✦

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✦ - the idea for this story was given to me by unNamelessness, so credits to them for the idea!


✎ Emu, Rui, and Nene were all at the Wonder Stage, waiting for their precious leader, Tsukasa, but he didn't seem to be coming anytime soon. being late for their meetings was extremely unusual for him, since he was a very determined and passionate leader, sometimes even a role model for the other three group members.

"I hope he's okay... he's never late for our meetings!" Emu whined, clearly worried for her best friend. "yeah, me too. it's definitely unusual for him," Nene replied with a worried expression on her face as well.

"now that I think of it, he wasn't at school today," Rui mentioned with a hand on his hip, that made Emu gasp. "I have to go check on him! sorry, guys... but I have to go!" Emu shouted before darting out of Phoenix Wonderland in a hurry.

Nene and Rui glanced at each other after that, without saying anything, you could tell by the look on their faces that they thought something intimate was going on between Emu and Tsukasa.

meanwhile, Emu stood outside Tsukasa's front door as she rang the door bell. she waited a few seconds before Tsukasa's sister, Saki, answered the door. "hello there, Emu!" Saki greeted before inviting Emu into the home.

"Wonderhoy, Saki-chan!" Emu greeted back, walking into the house with a massive smile, before she looked around the living room curiously, like anyone would if they walked into a friend's home for the first time.

"what brings you here, Emu? looking for my brother?" Saki asked. "yes! I wondering if he was okay?" Emu answered, frowning slightly. "oh, he came up with a cold this morning! he had to stay home today, but don't worry, he's doing just fine now!"

"thank you, Saki-chan!" Emu shouted as she sprinted upstairs to find Tsukasa. she just left Saki there, getting the same idea as Nene and Rui had.

meanwhile, Tsukasa was laying in his bed, practically burning up. he coughed before hearing someone pounding towards his room, catching him off guard, and cowering down into his sheets.

that's when Emu suddenly burst into his room, whining his name, "Tsukasa-kunnnnn!" this made him jump out of his sheets. "Emu! what are you doing here?!" he shouted out in a raspy voice, before coughing. he was bright red from her just being in his room, but it wasn't noticeable at all because he was already red from his fever.

Emu crouched down in front of his bed, frowning. "don't strain your voice too much, Tsukasa-kun!" she warned him as she patted him on the head comfortingly, making Tsukasa calm down.

"Emu... don't get too close, you'll get sick..." Tsukasa mumbled, his voice sounding faint and hoarse, but just by saying that to Emu it was obvious he did not want to spread any sort of sickness to his crush, as anyone wouldn't.

"I don't care, Tsukasa-kun! I'm taking care of you whether you like it or not!" Emu insisted, puffing out her cheeks stubbornly. she was so persistent just for him that it made Tsukasa even redder, I mean, he couldn't even stop her from doing what she wanted, so he didn't even bother.

he was feeling much too tired to anyway, so he just ended up accepting it, "a-alright..." he even chuckled a bit at how stubborn she was. Emu smiled, running out of the room, to soon come back later.

while Tsukasa waited for her to come back, he laid back down peacefully, getting weaker each second he stayed in bed. he blushed to himself, stuck in his own dream land, "this can't be real... I must be dreaming... my crush is in my house... taking care of me... like a wife..?!" he was growing redder just at the thought of it. it felt surreal... like a fever dream.

"yeah... that's right... this has to be a dream..." Tsukasa mumbled, trying to convince himself this moment was just a simple dream. that's when Emu came back in, carrying a warm rag.

"Tsukasa-kun! I'm back!" Emu announced, walking towards his bed, carrying the folded up rag in her hands. "hey... Emu..." Tsukasa greeted in a tired and raspy voice, smiling lightly as Emu slowly laid the warm object across his forehead.

it made him sooth down into his bed, on the verge of falling asleep. he tried to keep his eyes open, but his sight grew blurry, and all he could see was the pink-haired figure in front of him. the second he shut his eyes, he instantly fell asleep.

Emu smiled softly, watching him closely as he fell asleep... "poor Tsukasa-kun... I hope you feel better soon..." she wished him good luck as he slept peacefully, he was even starting to snore quietly, before getting up from her bent down position and walking towards the exit of his room.

"...Emu..." Tsukasa called out to her in his sleep, as if he knew she was about to leave his room. "huh?" Emu squeaked, turning around to face Tsukasa, who was still fast asleep in his bed.

Emu walked back toward his bed. "I guess you want me to stay... huh?" she giggled to herself, crouching down in front of his face. she stared at him, he looked so adorable snuggling up into his blanket like that. she blushed as he snored loudly, a bit of drool dripping down his chin and onto his pillow.

"I guess... it wouldn't hurt to stay..." Emu mumbled to herself with a tint of pink on her cheeks, plopping down onto his bed. she was sitting beside him as he snored peacefully, but he seemed to calm down just as soon as she was with him. it was like he knew she was there despite being sound asleep next to her.

"he's so cute..." Emu thought to herself, as she reached her hand towards his forehead. she felt his forehead, blushing even harder. it still felt like it was burning up, but the warm feeling to her hand warmed her heart... it was like she felt a spark between the touch. her heart started to beat faster the longer she stared at him, as fast as the seconds passing by. she ended up snuggling next to him, falling asleep as well.

a few days later, Emu called up Tsukasa...

"I think I'm sick..." she hoarsely said into the phone, but she knew... deep down... it was worth it.


✦ - 08/23/2023

✦ 𝙀𝙢𝙪𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (𝙫𝙤𝙡. 1) ✦Where stories live. Discover now