✎ ✦ 𝟏𝟎 . ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐩! ✦

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the Wonderlands × Showtime troupe was cleaning up after their final show of the day. Tsukasa was about to head home, while Nene, Emu, and Rui were just finishing up scrubbing down the stage with some messy soap suds.

"alright, guys! I'm gonna get going n-!" Tsukasa announced before being cut off by only himself slipping on the almost sparkly clean stage.

"w-woah!" he yelled, falling down on his bum. Nene and Rui stared in shock while Emu ran over to help him up. "oh my, Tsukasa-kun! are you okay!?" Emu called out in worry, offering a hand to help him up.

Tsukasa closed his eyes tightly as he rubbed his head from the sudden fall. he opened his eyes a few seconds later to see Emu with her hand held out for him to grab, along with Nene and Rui standing around him as well. they were all staring down at him, distraught.

Tsukasa blushed as Emu's open hand caught his eye, reaching out to grab it. Emu grabbed his first while it was out, making him shiver as he felt the heat from her hand transfer to his, along with the bit of cold-ish soap suds still left on her hands from cleaning.

Emu pulled him up while Tsukasa averted his eyes, feeling like he was unable to look at Emu during the action of her simply pulling him up after he slipped.

"th-thanks, Emu...!" Tsukasa said, scratching his scalp awkwardly with the hand that wasn't covered in any messy cleaning materials. "I'm glad you're okay, Tsukasa-kun!" Emu smiled.

Emu looked down, noticing their locked hands. she turned a bright pink, making her pull her hand away in embarrassment. Rui and Nene gawked, glancing at each other and then back to Emu and Tsukasa over and over while doing so.

"anyways... as I said before, I'll be getting going now. I'll see you guys for our next show tomorrow, you got it?" he asked before taking his leave with a wave.

Emu blinked as Tsukasa walked by, starting to trail after him. "Tsukasa-kun! wait up!" she called out, finally catching up to him at the exit of Phoenix Wonderland.

"hm? what's the matter, Emu?" Tsukasa asks, stopping right outside of the exit, now standing on the sidewalk of the other side. "I was just wondering, maybe we can hang out for a bit?" Emu grinned. "oh, I suppose we can. where do you want to go?" Tsukasa agrees, now facing Emu directly.

"great timing, Tsukasa! I was thinking about going to that cafe across the street!" Emu exclaims, pointing to a colorful cafe that stood across the busy street that connected the two sidewalks.

"hm, seems like a pretty decent idea to me! let's get going, shall we?" Tsukasa brashly held out his hand for Emu to hold but Emu didn't seem to notice, because by the time Tsukasa was done talking, she was already zooming across the street.

"oh, jeez...! Emu, wait up!" he yells out, running after her. halfway across the street, he almost gets hit by a quickly passing car, but luckily, he manages to dodge it. "ahh!" he screams before he continues running after the quite excited female.

"Emu, please slow down!" Tsukasa hollered, still terrified from his experience of an almost approaching death a few seconds before, but also relieved he wasn't dead right about now.

Tsukasa finally gets close enough to Emu to grab her hand. "that's enough, Emu! I'm never letting you run across a busy street by yourself ever again," Tsukasa insisted, gripping tighter onto her hand. "you got that?" he demanded, though he was more worried than angry.

"Tsu-Tsukasa...?" Emu squeaked out, her cheeks a cherry red. her slight whispering made Tsukasa realize what he was doing, making him snatch his hand away. "gah! s-sorry, Emu! I-I just... didn't want you running off by yourself like that again...!" Tsukasa rambled on, bursting into a bright red color.

Emu stayed silent as they walked into the cafe together. inside, they went up to the front, asking for a table. a kind waiter lead them over to their table, where they sat down.

"so, Tsukasa... whaddya think?" Emu giggled, speaking of the cafe. "oh, yes! this is very nice, Emu! nice choice, if I do say so myself," Tsukasa nodded swiftly. suddenly, another waiter stops by their table.

"welcome! what would you guys like? a couple meal?" the waiter asks with a grin. Tsukasa turns bright red at the accusation. "ah, you got it all wrong! we're not a couple... heh..." Tsukasa sweats, chuckling awkwardly. Emu just observed, quite red as well.

Emu interrupted with a bright smile, "can we get one large milkshake, please?" Emu asks excitedly. the waiter writes down the order as soon as she says it.

Tsukasa whisper-shouts to Emu from across the table, "one drink?!" Tsukasa raises an eyebrow, pretty confused. little did he know, this was a part of Emu's plan! (hehehehe)

by the time Tsukasa glanced back over to where the waiter last was, they were already gone. the two sat in silence until the drink was brought by their table. "thank you!" Tsukasa thanked the waiter before they trailed along.

he looked back over to Emu, raising his eyebrow once again. Emu pushes the drink to Tsukasa's side of the table with a wide grin. "it's yours, Tsukasa!" Emu gave the drink to Tsukasa, not even getting anything for herself. "huh? what are you going to drink, Emu?" Tsukasa questions, getting a bit suspicious of her.

"it's okay! I'm not too thirsty!" Emu claims, folding her arms over the table as her smile turned slightly more devious, though it wasn't noticeable to Tsukasa.

he takes a long sip of the sweet drink, nodding his head in approval. "ah, yes! this is great! once again, you chose a great place, Emu," he complimented, smiling confidently at her. "hey, Tsukasa!" Emu calls out.

"yeah? what's up, Emu?" Tsukasa asked, tilting his head questioningly. "can I have a tiny sip, please?" Emu makes puppy eyes, basically pleading.

"what? one, you know it's rude to ask back for a drink you literally just offered to someone!" Tsukasa shook his head in disapproval before continuing, "two, I thought you weren't thirsty? and... three, you sure you're okay with that? I put my mouth on that straw?" Tsukasa ranted.

Emu nodded happily, grabbing the large milkshake from Tsukasa and taking a sip right out of the straw. Tsukasa stared, feeling his face heating up more each second Emu left her mouth on the straw. "h-hey!" he shouted, turning even redder.

"mmmm!!~ that's delicious!" Emu hummed, putting her hands on her hips cheerfully. Tsukasa burried his face in his hands, mumbling, "god... Emu..."

Emu just giggled.


✦ - 08/03/2023

✦ 𝙀𝙢𝙪𝙆𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 (𝙫𝙤𝙡. 1) ✦Where stories live. Discover now