Chapter Sixteen

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Luca's POV

After leaving Liam I pulled over. Stopped on the side of the road and got out slamming the car door

"Luca," Xavier said worried

"Why?!" I yelled and kicked my car

"Luca stop you'll hurt yourself or rip the stitches open!" Xavier said putting his arms around me and hugging me from behind

"Why did she have to be pregnant? Why did I fucking wait? Why why why!?" I yelled

"You can't do this Luca," He said

"I should have gone after him to Spain as soon as I turned fucking 18!" I yelled as more tears slipped out

"It wouldn't have changed shit. Now stop this before you get hurt please," Xavier said

"I don't want to leave him but I know it's the right thing to do for that kid," I said as I started crying

"If that kid isn't his?" he asked

"Then I'm murdering that lying bitch," I said angrily

"Then only 5 months or so to wait. While waiting you can go back to the hospital. Recover completely and then come back to training. You need to recover first now. Your brothers and baby sister need you to be strong and healthy okay?" He said

"Liam shouldn't take care of the boys. He should worry about that girl. I'll ask Colt, Coby, and Kia to take them in for now till I'm better," I said calming down a bit

"Bro come on," He said

"It's not his burden to carry. Once I'm healed I'll take the boys and Bella on vacation. Somewhere far from here where I can really recover," I said

"You aren't thinking clearly," Xavier said looking more worried

"Will you take me back to the hospital," I asked

"Sure," He said hitting his lip worried

We got back in the car and as he drove I called Kia

"Hey bro we were just on our way up to see you," He said

"Oh. I'm coming to the hospital now. We need to talk and I need a huge favour," I said before I saw Xavier looking at me worried before looking at the road again

"You snuck out!!" he yelled

"He what?" I heard Cliff and Colt ask loudly

"Yeah I did but I'm coming back chill," I said

"Your ass is getting a fucking beating," I heard Tim say

I smiled before hanging up. When we stopped I saw my doctors, Tim, Cliff, Colt, Kia, and Colby standing there waiting looking pissed off

"You young man are lucky to be alive but stupid!" Doc (Tim's father) yelled

"Sorry doc," I said

The other doctor pushed a wheelchair and said, "Sit down,"

I sat down and looked at Xavier before saying, "You can go,"

"Dude I'm your friend too and right now you need friends," He said taking over from the doc and pushing me back into the hospital

"What happened and why does it look like you've been crying?" Tim asked worried

"I'll tell you when I'm back in bed," I said feeling sore and tired

When we got in my room Doc checked me out before hitting my head and said, "You are so lucky. Stop pushing your fucking luck,"

"Sure Doc," I said smiling because he and I knew that would never happen

Once Doc left he closed the door and left me with my friends

"So?" Colt asked worried

"I need a huge favour. I know our apartment is big so that's why I'm asking. I need you guys to take in my brothers till I'm out of here," I said

"What?" Tim asked confused

"Why?" Colt asked just as confused

"Isn't your boyfriend looking over them..." Kia trailed off when he saw I clenched my fist and looked away when he said boyfriend

"You and Liam broke up?" Tim asked

"He wasn't even mine, to begin with," I said looking down

"What does that mean?" Colt asked

"Dude, you have loved Liam for years what happened?" Kia asked

"It doesn't matter okay? Can you just please do what I asked?" I asked again

"Xavier?" Tim asked

"Liam got a girl pregnant before we came here. Stella is her name. He's doing this so that the kid has a father in his or her life," Xavier said

"I thought you guys were going to work through that?" Cliff asked

"He still loves her and cares for her. She's carrying his baby. She's moving under the same roof as my brothers and he lives under. She's still in love with him and I just can't see him and her," I said trailing off

I tensed a bit when Tim hugged me and said, "We'll go get them after school. We'll bring them here and you can see them before we take them home," 

I took a deep breath trying to stop myself from balling up tears again and said in a tired and weak voice, "Thank you,"

"Get some rest okay," Cliff said adding, "We'll handle everything else,"

"You better get healed up soon. I miss my sparring partner," Kia said

I smiled and nodded my head. Once they left I saw Xavier still sitting down in the chair that was next to my bed

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry that you are hurting Luca but if they do take the kids he'll be alone and it would break him even more than you did today," he said

"What do you want me to do Xavier? Let him take care of my siblings so that they can remind him that I'll come back which I won't. It's better to rip the bandage off than to slowly let this drag on.

I'll be healed in a few days and then I'm leaving with my siblings. I can't stay here anymore knowing he's so close yet unable for me to touch him to hold him or to love him.

I just can't. He doesn't deserve me. I'll just hurt him and if I stay I'll only end up hurting myself so I'm leaving," I said

He sighs before standing up and hugging me

"You end up hurting both of you and you have no idea how difficult this would be. You'll regret this and I know it. Once you both grow up you'll start realising this is stupid and what you are saying is even more stupid. Rest for now and sleep over the things you said," He said before leaving

I shook my head and tried to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw him crying and begging me not to leave

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