Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"How long was I out for?" I asked

"The whole day. It's already 4 am here," He said

"Shit I should have taken my pills already," I said

"My men brought everything you had there with us. Your bags are in the living room," Dad said

"Can I get something to eat first?" I asked

Dad nodded his head and led the way to the living room where I grabbed my bag and placed it on the couch

When I opened it I took out my pills while Dad took out the ring box he saw

When he opened it he smiled and said, "It's a very beautiful ring. How long have you two been together?"

"We knew each other as children and fell in love but he moved to Spain and got back a few months ago. We've had a few difficulties but we worked through them and have been together ever since," I said

"You love? Does he love you? Does he treat you well?" he asked

"He's amazing we do love each a lot and yes he does treat me well. While I was in the hospital he came and visited and he took care of the boys," I said

"Sounds like a great guy. Taking care of his boyfriend's siblings," Dad said smiling

"He is more than great," I said

Dad put the ping back into my bag and we headed to the kitchen. As we entered the cook was just putting the food on the plates for us all

"Sir. Food is ready," She said

Dad nodded his head and said, "Take the plates to the dining room,"

"We should go wake your brothers and boyfriend," He said

We went back to the room where everyone was and Dad gave me a syringe.

"This will wake them up," He said

I woke them up and at first they looked confused then immediately sprang off the beds and looked at dad

"Hey, woah. It's okay," I said

"He knocked us out," Liam said glaring at my father

"It's okay. I promise. He's sorry he did it but he had to make sure we were his. Guys this is our father," I said

The boys looked at him with sceptical faces but Cedrick ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh my sweet baby boy," Dad said before opening his other arm for the rest to hug him

Derick and James joined the hug but Rickey and Zack just stood there watching. Dad let the little one go and went up to the two while Liam put his hand in mine

"I'm sorry I shot you with the darts," Dad said and hugged them both

"I'm not your son," Zack said pulling away

"You are. They consider you as a brother which means you are family now come," Dad said and pulled him into a hug again.

"Daddy I'm hungry," Cedrick said

"Right we should go eat and you need to drink those pills," Dad said looking at me

We went to the dining room and sat down before we started eating

"So Luca your mother, sister and uncle should be here one pm. What do you boys like to do? Name anything," Dad said

"Can we go to a waterpark? Or we could do something fun here like watch movies and play games to get to know each other," Derick said

"I think we should stay in because it's raining outside," Dad said

"Movie and game day," Cedrick said excitedly

After we ate Dad told a maid to bring some snacks and drinks to the movie room and another maid to bring all the board games he had to the movie room as well.

We then followed him to the room and upon entering even Liam was stunned by how beautiful the place looked like

Three maids came in with boxes of board games while four others brought in snacks and drinks

We sat down and let James pick the movie before we started playing Stack the Blocks.

After a while, we were laughing and having fun. We totally forgot about the movie and just talked while playing the games he had.

Around 12 everyone got tired so we all grabbed lunch and I drank my pills again before we settled down in the living room watching a movie in there.

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