Chapter Twenty-Five

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On the plane, the kids mostly played Monopoly or card games while Liam and I cuddled on the couch watching a movie. We're supposed to land at 8:25 am which means we're landing in a few minutes.

Just as I thought the announcement came on saying we needed to sit down and buckle up.

After we landed we got out and saw two cars waiting for us.

"My dad made sure we are okay," Liam said

I smiled kissed him and got in the car. We had drivers as well so once we got in Liam said, "Take us to the hospital please,"

The drivers drove us to a hotel and once we got there we went in

"Good evening how can we help?" A girl asked when we got to the counter

"The penthouse keys," Liam said

"I'm sorry sir the Penthouse is owned by the Russo family," She said

(AN! If Liam's family has another surname oops... Don't remember their surname from the last book...)

"Oh god. I'm so sorry Mr. Ruso. She is new here. Here is the keys," The manager said once he saw us

Smiling we took the keys and went to the elevator

Just before we got on my phone rang making me look down.

"You guys go up I'll be there soon," I said before walking back outside and and answering the phone

"Hello?" I said

"Hey, son was wondering when you guys are arriving. I could pick you up at the airport and you guys can come stay with me," He said

"We landed a few minutes ago and we're staying at my boyfriend's family hotel. In the penthouse. Everyone I tried so I was thinking we could rest and meet tonight," I said

"Oh," He sounded a bit sad that I didn't let him know and that we weren't staying there with him but he quickly recovered by saying, "Glad you guys are safe. And you guys can come over for dinner,"

"Can you meet us at a restaurant?" I asked not really wanting to go to his house yet.

"Sure how about we meet at 71Above around 7 pm," He asked

"Yeah, sure we'll see you then," I said

"Lucas, have you called her yet?" He then asked

"It's Luca and I have to go," I said

"You need to call her. She blames herself for your disapearents. Please, son. Just call her," he said

"I- I have to go," I said and hung up before going to the elevator and headed up to the penthouse.

Once I entered I saw the boys on the couch watching TV while Liam was by the kitchen area in the corner doing something.

I went up to him, hugged him from behind, and kissed his shoulder

"What are you doing?" I asked

"The twins are hungry. None of us have eaten anything this morning or on the plane. You also still have to drink your pills so I'm looking for stuff," He said

"Order from the menu. You don't have to make stuff for us baby," I said spinning him around before kissing him

"Fine," He said after I pulled away

He grabbed the menu and phone before asking, "What do you guys want?"

We all just wanted something small so we went with avocado bread. After Liam ordered it we went to sit down with the kids on the couch

Liam wanted to sit next to me but I pulled him onto my lap making him blush after yelping when he was pulled

"You guys are disgustingly cute," Zack said making Liam throw a pillow his way while the rest laughed

I heard someone knocking on the door and knew it was too soon for the food so I stood up and grabbed my gun that was behind me in my jeans and headed to the door

I looked through the door peephole and froze a bit when I saw an exact image of me just a bit older standing on the other side of the door

Putting the gun back and hiding it with my t-shirt I opened the door

"Luca," He said and pulled me into a big before I felt a pinch in my arm

I looked at my arm to see it was a knockout drug dart. I looked at him with wide eyes before felling to the floor

Liam went for his gun but he was shot with one too. I saw how he shot everyone with the dart before he kneeled to me

"Sorry son," He said before I blacked out

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