Chapter Nine

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I got a call from Luca and smiled as I answered

"Hey I want to talk about everything. I'm so sorry," I said

"Luca has been shot. Hurry, please. We're in his house," A girl said

"What? No, what happened?" I asked as I started crying

My dad took the phone from me and once he heard the girl he gave my phone back and called an ambulance he grabbed my hand and started running to the car.

We got in and he drove like a madman while I cried. Once we got there the ambulance was busy putting him in. The girl looked at me

"Who are you?" Dad asked her

"I'm Julia I was Mr Hughes play thing but Luca killed him," She said

"That's Luca's sister or brother?" I asked and she nodded her head as tears fell from her eyes saying, "It's his baby sister. I never wanted to get pregnant but he - he raped me. Luca has three brothers too,"

"Go with Luca son. I'll take her we'll follow you. The boys will bring his brothers along," Dad said

Nodding my head I jumped into the ambulance. I saw him and bit my lip trying not to cry further

"He's losing too much blood," the paramedic said

"No, stay with me god, please. Luca, please stay with me," I said and kissed him for the first time

When we stopped they rushed him into surgery as I went to sit in the waiting room.

Dad and Julia came in a few minutes later and dad hugged me as I started to cry harder.

"Guys," Julia said making us turn to her.

"Doctor!" dad yelled and two nurses came when they saw Julia they looked at us

"Okay come on miss," The nurse said

"Can Luca come with me?" Julia asked

"Sure I'll fill out the paperwork and inform you about the Luca's condition," Dad said and the nurses nodded their heads

I went with them and after a couple of hours I heard a baby cry but my mind instantly went back to Julia when her hand just slipped from mine

"We're losing her," the doctor said

"Sir you need to get out now," The nurse said holding Luca's sister

"Doctor I think there is another kid," one of the nurses said

"Get an OR ready now," Doc said and rushed out of the room with Julia

"Sir?" the nurse said making me look at the baby she was holding

"You want to hold her for a second before we take her?" she asked

"Yeah," I said nervously and took the baby carefully

She looked so precious and innocent just like Emily looks and Rosy used to look. I smiled when she opened her eyes and I could swear she smiled at me

When the nurse took her from me the doctor came out holding a baby boy.

"We tried everything but the mother didn't make it. Are you the boy and the girl's father?" he asked

"No, the father died hours ago but their brother. One of their brothers, he's here getting surgery," I said still trying to wrap my head around what the fuck just happened.

"Okay, any idea what they wanted to call the kids?" he asked and I shook my head

"Okay I'll come to talk to you when one of their brothers is here," He said

"The kids?" I asked

"Will be safely here on this floor at the end of the hallway," The nurse said taking the twins and placing them in some kind of baby bed

I nodded my head and went to the waiting room to see Luca's friends waiting with Luca's brothers, Mom, uncle Matteo, Dad, uncle Dom and the twins

"Oh Liam," Tim said and hugged me

"How are Julia and the baby?" mom asked

"She didn't make it but the babies are fine it's twins a baby boy and a girl," I said and she hugged me

I looked at the boys and asked, "You want to see your baby brother and sister?"

They nodded their heads and I looked at my dad and asked "Any news?"

"They came out a while back and said something about his liver being damaged but someone is on their way with some now that is the same match," Matteo said

"Dear God," I said and ran my hand through my hair before I took the boys to the kids.

We watched the kids and the three looked happy seeing the kids. When we left we went back to the waiting room and sat down

After a few hours uncle Dom, uncle Matteo and mom left since they still had kids to go watch over and because of grandpa. A couple of hours I saw Emily running to me

"Liam," she said and jumped on my lap and hugged me

"Hey baby girl," I said

"Go home. Every one of you I'll let you guys know if something happens," Mom said as she and uncle Matteo came closer

"No I can't," I said

"Thought you say that that's why we brought you a pair of clothes and some coffee," Matteo said

"I don't want to leave either," Colt said

"Babe we can't do anything here okay? Mrs Rodriguez said she'll call us and I'm sure Liam would call too," Kia said

"Of course, I would," I said and he nodded his head before leaving with the rest

"Tim?" Xavie asked

"Not leaving," was all he said

Matteo smiled and said, "We know, here take it,"

He looked up and took the coffee as he said thanks. Wait and waiting, that's all we could do

When we saw the doctor me and Tim shot up

"Luca is out of surgery. His vitals look fine and his liver is showing no signs of rejection so he's doing good," the doctor said and I hugged him saying thanks.

He took us to Luca's room and I rushed to his side. Taking his hand I smiled even though I was crying.

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