Chapter Twenty-Three

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"What?" I asked scared shitless

"Why didn't you tell us?" I heard Xander asked

Liam touched me making me flinch away and look at him

"It's okay," He said

"I shot him in the head and that bastard is still not dead. How is it okay," I said

"Luca she misunderstood. We found out some things. Your father wasn't Lane. None of your father was him. It's just the young baby twins that are his children. Your father as well as Rickey, James, Derick, and Cedrick's father is alive and a businessman," Matteo said taking Emily from me

"What?" Rickey asked

"It's Justin. He has his own tech company in Los Angeles.  A big shot with lots of money. No wife and no kids who live with him.

Your mother as well as their mother met him before he became a big shot and they got pregnant. Their mother and he were in a serious relationship until before the twins were born. Lane, kidnapped their mother and brainwashed the kids to believe that he was their father. They were still little so it was easy," Dom said

"What about my mother? She only had a child with Lane," I said confused

"No kid. Your mother is also not your mother. Margaret was pregnant but she lost the baby. We found the hospital records of her. She never had a child but she also knew Lane so she took you," Aurora said

"What? Who is his mother then?" Liam asked

"It's a woman named Riley. She lived in New York until her son Lucas David Jonas disappeared. She stayed a year there but when everyone gave up finding you she moved back to England. She owns her own coffee slash pastry shop and has one daughter now with her husband Victor," Dom said

"How did you?" I asked

"We had a feeling and I did the DNA test myself and told them last night when I found out the results," Tim said standing by the door

"After confirming he wasn't your father we did some digging and found everything else out," Dom said

I nodded my head and looked at my brothers

"Is he nice?" I asked

"Yeah. He hasn't given up on finding them. He hired a private investigator to find them," Aurora said

"Luca. No," Rickey said

"You would have a life free of this madness. Without pain, blood, guns and drugs," I said

"We are your brothers we aren't leaving you," James said

"You could meet your father. You real one and have an amazing life. More than I can offer you," I said

"No," Rickey said

"he lives in Los Angeles right?" I asked ignoring them

"Yes," Matteo said

"Then we'll be heading there after the twins are well," I said

"You are still going to raise them even though they aren't your siblings?" Tim asked

"No. They'll go to the academy in Los Angeles or I'd find them a good home," I said

"So you are getting rid of us?" Zack asked

"No, I'm not. I'm giving you and them a better life with my father and the twins would grow up with others alongside them," I said

"No, you are. You are getting rid of us just kike he did," James said

I looked down and shook my head before saying, "It's for the best,"

"Yeah keep lying to yourself," Rickey said pissed

I left the room to give them space and once the door closed I leaned against the wall next to the door and slid down

I closed my eyes and told myself even though they hate me they deserve a good life with their father. One I can not give them

Liam sat down beside me and hugged me before saying, "I don't know what you are thinking but the boys still need you in their life,"

"But I can't be. If I am they're lives will be in consent danger. They'll be targets. If they go to him they'll be safer and more cared for than if they stay with me," I said

"Luca," He said making me turn to him and say, "Please just support me. This is fucking hard because in the little time I have known them I started to love them all and it's killing me too. So just please"

He kissed me and nodded his head before standing up and saying, "Let's go in and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day,"

Nodding my head we stood up went in and said goodbye to the family before they left me, Liam, and my brothers alone in the room to get some rest

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