seventeen. the concert

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Fallon knotted her brows up as her face contorted into confusion. She didn't know Ireland had polar bears. And why on earth would they have one?

Joe pointed to the TV and turned to his daughter, "Now will you see sense."

Erin laughed at him with a shake of her head. "Aye, Granda, cos an escaped polar bear's going to track us down and kill us. As if Mammy's bothered about that."

But seeing the look on Mrs Quinn's face made all the teens a bit worried. "Wise up, Mammy! As if a polar bear is gonna rock up to a Take That concert."

The two cousins ended up having an argument with the two adults as she had decided that Erin and Orla would no longer be going to the concert. "Come on, Mary. If you don't let Erin go, our Ma's won't let us go," Michelle spoke up. "You can't let me go on me own, Mary. I'll look like a loner." Fallon frowned.

"Well, neither they should! And I'll be ringing them to say as much," Mary let out before she pointed a finger at Fallon. "And your sure not be going, I'm not going to you're funeral cause you got eaten by a polar bear!"


The older woman cut her off. "That'll be the end of it, Fallon O'Reilly! Do you hear me?!"

Even with the teens trying to convince Mary to let them go, she wasn't hearing it. She didn't want her daughter or niece to come home with one arm left so the girls would not be going to the concert.

Infuriated, the girls and James all stormed up stairs, Michelle slamming open Erin's door. "Well, I'm not letting that fat, furry fuck ruin the biggest day of my life," Michelle yelled in frustration. "What can we do?" Erin whined.

The teens all sat on the bed, looking up at Michelle, as she began to speak, "Look, this is too important. I'm going to that concert. I'm not afraid of a fucking polar bear!" She loudly announced, passionately.

"Me neither!" Erin and James shouted.

"I'll kill it with me own two hands if I have to!" Orla raved with a grin.

"Same here! I'll skin it live if I have too!" Fallon joined in as she wasn't going to allowed the furry arsehole to take away her money and the Take That concert.

Michelle grinned and looked at her with smirk. On the other hand, Clare began to panic at the fact her friends were gonna take on a polar bear. "Okay, we seem to have gone down a weird road here, people. I think we've got a bit confused. We don't have to fight a polar bear. And if we did, I wouldn't really fancy our chances because, well, they're massive."

"But there's five of us so..." Orla trailed off. "There's six of us, love," Fallon corrected the girl. "Aye, so there is." She realized whilst she licked her lollypop. 

Clare shook her head. "The point is the polar bears not the one stopping us from going to the concert. It's our mothers and we'll never get them to change their minds."

However, Michelle had already thought this through. "We're not gonna try to change their minds. We're going to do something else," Michelle smirked as James looked rather nervous before asking, "What?" Which made Michelle announce, "Lie our holes off."

THE GROUP WENT ALONG WITH THE PLAN as they just stepped onto the bus, about to head to Belfast. They walked all the way to the back as the girls, who were in front of Fallon, sat down first.

"Oh, dear, looks like there's no seats left. I guess you'll just have to sit on my lap, Fallon." Michelle slyly grinned as she patted her lap.

Fallon pointed to the seat besides James. "But there's one right-" But she pulled the dirty blonde down to sit on her lap as she looked around, confused. "I don't see any?"

CARDIGAN ━━━━ derry girlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora