Damon stepped aside. "Put him on the couch. I'll grab something to staunch the bleeding until he can heal."

Damon rushed over to the main bathroom, opening a cupboard entirely dedicated to medical supplies. When he had shown Kinsey earlier, she'd joked there was enough in here to supply a doctor's office. What he failed to mention was that it was frequently used.

He came barreling back to the living room with an armful of supplies. Kalem put the gauze fast to work and quickly took control of the bleeding.

Damon examined the gashes, concerned. They were too deep to have been made from  a wolf's claw, too wide for a cat's, leaving him to believe a bear shifter was behind this. But no bear shifter would be stupid enough to attack anyone bearing his Mark. Not even Krous.

"What happened, pup?" Damon hated to ask when the child was clearly in agony, but he needed answers before he let the rage inside of him take the reins.

Cory opened his eyes, barely, features skewed in pain. "Damon. . . I'm so sorry." He reached for his hand; Damon took it, pleased to find strength in the boy's grasp. He would be all right, just had to ride out the pain. "We disobeyed your orders. . . Cera said we would be safe."

Damon's blood ran cold.

"Keep going, pup, you're doing great."

"We went on the trails. It's. . . it's all my fault!" He cried out when Kalem put pressure on the wound. "I needed to hunt! My wolf was getting restless."

Cory had his first shift a few months ago. No matter how prepared you were when the beast matured, the early years were the hardest. There was a constant battle for control. Primal urges were too tempting, the taste for blood irresistible.

Cera only wanted to ease her little brother's pain.

"Where is she?"

Cory shook his head. "The monsters took her. She fought them. Killed one, but the other three overpowered her. They dragged her away."

Monsters? Could they be sending Mutants to capture his people now? That was a problem. They didn't know nearly enough about them to defend themselves against them. Even his strongest warriors would have problems fighting them. And Cera was strong.

"You said she killed one?"

Cory nodded, squeezing his eyes as Kalem finished bandaging him up.

Damon glanced at Kalem, who inclined his head in response to his unasked question--Cory would be fine--then he rose to his feet and dialed Dayton's number. Despite the hour, he picked up on the second ring. Damon quickly explained the situation and asked him pick up the body so they could study it, see what they were up against.

"On it, brother."

"Bring Camen with you."

"I'll be fine."

"Do it, Dayton. Bane will send someone to clean up their mess. I will not lose another brother."

There was a long silence on the other end then a sigh. Dayton hung up, but Damon knew he'd bring Camen as backup.

"Damon?" Kinsey poked her head out of the bedroom door, fully clothed. Her eyes went to the boy bleeding all over the couch and bulged. "What happened? Is everything all right?"

Cory lifted his head to look at her. His gaze quickly glanced at Damon before they locked back onto Kinsey, his beast flashing in his eyes. He made movements to sit up, which Kalem protested, easing him back down on the couch. Cory wouldn't have it and growled at him.

"Is that the woman who's been marking our territory? Is she the reason Grimrock isn't safe anymore? It's her fault Cera is gone!"

He staggered off the couch in a pathetic attempt to get to Kinsey. She stumbled back into the door. Damon stood between them before the boy could get within an arm's reach of her. "Sit your ass back down. Now, boy."

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