"Look I'm not here to cause trouble... I'm just here to return this...." Javoris said placing both me and Semaj's phones, wallets, and my keys on the table near the entrance. "I want to apologize for my cousin's action... and I know I'm not in a position to ask for shyt but I want y'all to let me handle Equannis and the rest of them." Javoris said, Jacobi looked like he was about to go full Jacobi when I quickly intervened.

"Let us discuss this in private... we'll get back to you." I said and Javoris nodded before turning away. "What do y'all think?" I asked turning towards Semaj and Jacobi.

"Hell no! I need my one on one with Equannis and the rest of them... I'm not letting shyt slide, it's not in my nature." Semaj said and I should've known, for the most part, Semaj was really laid back but whenever he got like this I knew there was no compromising with him. I looked at Jacobi who was staring at me, there was worry in his eyes and I knew he definitely didn't trust Javoris. "What do you think? You know I'm down for whatever...." I said shrugging.

"You know what, fuck it... I'm about to go find this nigga before Quran gets back because I know when Quran catches him he just might k...." Right as Semaj was about to tell us what Quran was going to do the door opened and Quran stormed inside, his whole body radiated anger... it was honestly kinda scary.

He walked over to Semaj, despite his anger Quran was so gentle... it was almost uncomfortable to watch so I was grateful when Joseph, Tripp, Beaux, and Torique all walked inside. I caught Joseph's eyes and I knew he wanted a full recap about what happened. While Beaux and Tripp questioned Jacobi, followed Joseph into the kitchen and began making myself a sandwich because I was fuckin hungry.

"So you know we gotta either beat the fuck out of the niggas responsible.... I mean how could you and Semaj ALLOW y'all selves to get beat up?" Joseph asked and I was honestly ready to choke this nigga.

"Right, because we definitely signed up to get jumped." I said rolling my eyes. "I get a sick satisfaction out of not being able to walk in a straight line, the migraines I get from the smallest source of light is an added bonus... Not to mention the waves of nausea I'm getting from the concussion...." I said sarcastically.

"Whatever August... anyways, you and Semaj can stay here while me, Q, Beaux, Tripp, and Torique go handle these dudes since you're in such a delicate state.

"I don't need you to fight my battles Joe... and if you think Semaj is staying here you must not know him that well." I said looking into his eyes. Joseph looked like he was about to argue but we were distracted by the sound of a loud commotion coming from the living room. "What's happening now?" I asked shaking my head.

Quran was trying his hardest to get to an unphased Javoris with Beaux and Jacobi holding him back, even then they were struggling and it wasn't until Torique joined in and helped drag Quran out of the room. I looked to Semaj for answers but he seemed turned on by Quran's outburst.

"I'm trying to compromise... I asked that y'all let me handle it, but it's clear that, that's not going to happen so I'll give up everyone EXCEPT Equannis... I think that's more than fair. I know exactly where they're at right now. I know them niggas don't have guns either.... So y'all can accept my help and handle this quickly, or y'all can search all over the city and struggle to find them." Javoris said.

"Fine, get your cousin...." I said interjecting, let's be clear... I had no intention of letting Equannis get a pass, I just wanted to use this nigga for the information. Did I trust him? No. But what other choice did we have in that moment? Turns out they were hiding in Conyers which was about a 30 drive from Atlanta, I won't go into detail about how we beat the fuck out of them because in truth them niggas were all soft as fuck... The most important piece of information came when we caught Equannis trying to sneak out the back door.

"He's going to have to pick someone to fight... Sorry, but there are no free passes." Semaj said as Torique and Beaux pushed Equannis on the ground in front of us. "We'll give him a fair one... one on one, we'll even let him pick."

"Man y'all are taking this too personally.... it was just a job." Equannis said but I guess Quran wasn't trying to hear any excuses, I swear watching Quran fight was always a thing of beauty... sometimes I forgot that he was a boxer and watching bob and weave with such grace.... He was toying with Equannis until finally, he hit him with a lightning-fast combo that put his to sleep.

"Way to go... he said it was a job and before we could get answers you decided to knock him out...." Semaj said glaring at Quran. Quran let out a loud huff before walking over to one of the other dudes, smacking the fuck out of him before pulling the dude to his feet.

"Look I'm in a really bad mood... y'all cost me a lot of money, y'all didn't give me any type of challenge which means y'all wasted my time... and worst of all y'all put y'alls fuckin hands on my dude....." Quran's fist clinched and I could tell he was fighting the primal urge to knock the dude out. "So I'm only going to ask you this once and if I get the slightest inkling that you're lying to me, I'm knocking you out.... who hired y'all?" Quran asked.

"I don't know man.... NO! NO! I'M BEING SERIOUS!!! I don't know her... her name... she was an older woman, short hair, rich....." The dude said as tears streamed down his face. A cold trickle went down my spine because in my gut I knew he was most likely talking about Natalie, I turned to Naz who seemed to have reached the same conclusion. "She.... she wanted us to get that nigga...." The dude said pointing to Naz. "But we couldn't find him but we knew he (Semaj) was close to him and....." Dude was snoring from Quran's punch.

"I think that's all we're going to get out of him... let's get back to the house so we can speak in private." Quran said before walking over to Javoris and after a short conversation he walked towards the car.

"Your cousin is insane." I whispered to Jacobi who was rubbing his fist, which was starting to swell up. "So what do you think? I mean about the whole Natalie thing?" I asked once we were back in the car.

"I think.... you need to get your ass back in bed. You're still walking a little wobbly and you being out there fighting definitely didn't help... So when we get back to the house, go straight to bed and don't get back up... if you need anything text me." Jacobi said and I found it both hilarious and adorable that he was dead serious.

"You're the boss..." I said playfully. When we got back to the house I started to head into the living room just to have my path blocked by Jacobi who pointed towards the stairs. "Damn, can't I just chill in the living room for a little bit?" I asked giving him the smile that usually resulted in us fuckin.

"Upstairs. I'm about to go grab you some food and then I'm heading over Naz's for a little bit, still if you need ANYTHING text.... I don't want you doing anything extra until you got a clean bill of health. Now bed...." Jacobi said kissing me.

I would've preferred being a part of whatever meeting was going on at Naz's house but after Jacobi brought me my food I went right back to sleep and didn't wake up until around three in the morning. Now, normally on weekends, there was always something going on; kickbacks, smoke sessions, dudes in the living room playing the game but tonight it was silent... Then I heard someone moving around and I figured it was Jacobi, I was horny and wanted to bust a nut down his throat. I got up and followed the sound to Quran's room and found Clévon snooping around.

"Umm... what are you doing?" I asked scaring him."You know if Quran finds out you were in his room he's going to start trippin and don't even get me started on Semaj." I said, Clévon was acting sketchy as fuck and I was starting to wonder if he was stealing something. "C, what are you doing?" I asked as he refused to meet my eyes. Before I could get my answer we were interrupted but the sound of yelling, without thinking I ran downstairs where everyone was panicking, I wasn't sure what was going on and as I made my way into the living room I slipped on something.... when I look down I noticed a trail of blood leading from the front door to the living room............ 

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Nazeer, Luciano, or De'Vaugh?

****** AUTHOR'S NOTE ******

I was going to hold off on posting these chapters but since my birthday is Friday and I plan on celebrating I figured I give them to y'all earlier than anticipated. I'm still working on chapters for ALL my stories and I have been making progress on all of them, so I think my plan is to hold off on posting until ALL chapters are finished, trust me your patience will be rewarded with a special chapter that I've been working on.............

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