The bard had actually turned out to be more beneficial than I had expected, turns out the attention I got from being in a group with him and Kushida was offset by how kuch attention they drew to themselves.

Obviously avoiding them completely would have been better but after the first day any dream of that had been completely destroyed.

But I digress.

I looked up to find the class more or less finished before Chabashira-sensei called an end to the exam, picking up the tests and dismissing the class.

I got up and walked towards the door before being promptly interceoted by Kushida and Haruka, with Venti joining us groggily a moment later.

As we walked towards the dorms Kushida struck up some conversation, it had been habit to go to Venti's room over the past couple days, since he had always been happy to offer.

Until today where he'd suggested we go to mine, I hadn't had a reason to refuse to I found myself wandering towards the building.

"Soooo~ how do you think you all did in the exam?" She asked curiously.

"Average I suppose" I responded offhandedly.

"Pretty good!"

We turned towards Venti as he seemed hesitant to respond before he hung his head in defeat.

"Abysmal... But it's not like it mattered right!"

He said optimistically, causing Kushida to look at him hesitantly.

"I don't know... It's probably important you get a bit better..."

He sighed and looked at us hopefully.

"Kushida? You're pretty smart! And me and Koji could use some help, could you maybe teach us? Like a study group!"

Haruka quickly leapt on the idea.

"Yeah! It'd be fun, plus I could always do with getting better."

Kushida put a finger to her chin before breaking out in a grin.

"Sure! It'll be fun!"

We talked randomly for a while before everyone began to leave, after Venti went I was left alone before realising Kushida's phone was on the bed. I picked it up and left the room before heading to her dorm.

I knocked a few times only to get no response, I suppose it's not strange to have a late night walk but...

I decided to wander before I eventually decided to head onto the rooftop, I'd almost reached the top when I began to hear it.

"That bitch." The voice was so different I barely recognised it as Kushida's.

"So stuck up and annoying! Always glaring at my friends and..."

She trailed off before blinking.

"Huh... My friends... I..."

She nervously scratched her arms before kicking the railing roughly.

"Ugh! Why can't I get that dammed kiss out my head aswell! How dare that dammed... How dare he..."

She paused again before slamming her foot off the railing again and sliding down so her back was against it, her face in her palms as she sat.

I thought through my options before deciding to take a risk, this was my best opportunity to try and be a normal friend and see what it's like.

I stepped out quietly and sat beside her, she turned her head towards me and muttered quietly.

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