"it would be an honour to help you in any way we can." the king spoke, looking at her in shock, and almost admiration.

"a bed for the night would be most welcome." she replied shamefully as isabella bit her lip to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"then consider yourselves our esteemed guests. it is the least we can do." the king replied with a nod as catrina thanked him.

merlin had the job of taking lady catrina and her servant to their room for their stay, whilst isabella and estella went for a walk in the village since she hadn't since delilah in a while.

they brought lots of new things from each of the little stalls and always payed extra, and then they took a small trip to the lower towns and gave them all to them who needed them.

after, it was time for dinner so isabella for dressed into a more suitable dress and made her way to the main hall. she walked in with a small smile as uther, catrina, morgana and arthur were already there.

she took a seat next to arthur and opposite morgana and thanked the servant when she poured her a drink.

"this is wonderful. thank you." catrina beamed.

"it's an honour. the houses of tragor and pendragon have been allies for as long as anyone can remember." the king replied with a smile as isabella glanced subtly at arthur who looked at her through the corner of his eye.

"my father often spoke of you, my lord." catrina replied as she started to cut up her food, isabella noticed she hadn't eaten any.

"and i will remember him always." uther replied.

"i'm sorry i did not get the chance to meet him." arthur spoke up as catrina glanced at him.

"i'm sorry too. for the house of tragor is no more." she pushed her food away with a sigh.

"it lives on in you." isabella spoke up, trying to be reassuring and welcoming since she hadn't spoken directly to catrina yet.

"i only wish that were true, your grace." catrina replied as isabella simply smiled awkwardly in response, having no more to say.

"it is true, my lady. your courage, modesty." uther began as arthur grimaced and glanced at isabella and morgana who also looked slightly alarmed and uncomfortable at their interaction. "and you have always been, ever since you were a child."

"i fear i am much changed since then, my lord." catrina laughed as morgana awkwardly joined in.

"yes, it is true. you are far more beautiful now." the king smiled as isabella's eyes widened and she had to shut her mouth since she was pretty sure her jaw had dropped. arthur looked as if he was about to throw up and morgana coughed to cover her snort of laughter.

arthur suddenly did a loud, fake yawn, making isabella jump at the strange noise and turn to him as he stretched his arms out. "my apologies. hard days training. if you'll excuse me?"

"of course." catrina smiled as arthur stood up, kissing isabella's temple as the girl looked up at him in annoyance.

"unfortunately for me and morgana, it takes us a long time to get ready for bed so, we should be getting to our chambers too." isabella spoke up with a smile, catrina seemed to pause, probably having to try and understand her accent, but nodded.

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, arthur pendragon. Where stories live. Discover now