Magnum Tenebrosum

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Mizael POV

This time, I managed to arrive in time.

After 10 seconds fly from my location to Zarc, I noticed that Zarc was preparing to attack Reiji's last remaining Monster that turns out to be Go!-D/D/D Divine King Zero God Reiji.

Oh manga, you never ceased to amused me.

When I am closed enough, I activated my Duel Disk and Summon Photon. "Let's help our leader, Photon. We don't want him to become a barbeque."

"As your wish, Master."

Photon flying at such incredible speed before he let out a Photon Stream of Destruction. At the same time, a current of electricity ran through me. I barely feel it.

[Instruction Penalty: -2000 LP]

Mizael LP: 4000 - 2000

Zarc's attack may obliterate Zero God Reiji, but it fails to touch Reiji, who was shielded by Photon Stream of Destruction. I could feel everyone's gazes turned to me.

I actually kinda surprise when I see the Yu-Boys isn't become one with Zarc. Is something happened during my absence?

Well, I could ask that later. For now, my focus is to defeat Zarc for good.

"It's been a while everyone. It's good to see you are still in one piece." I greeted everyone. It is quite funny to see their shocked faces.


"The one and only." I grinned. "I see you've got one hell of a party here, so I decided to invite myself."

"Well, sorry for not inviting you because you are buried alive." Yuya responded with a smile on his face. "Good to know that I'm crying for nothing."

"Sorry for worrying you then, but you know how this goes, Yuya." I responded. "A hero always arrives at the moment he needed the most to save the day."

"Heh, good to see that confident attitude of yours isn't vanished even at the time like this, Kuroba." Sawatari smirked.

"This is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one nonetheless." Reiji remarked. "I saw through camera that you've been buried under several tons of concrete. It seems I underestimate the Barian's durability."

"You sure are." I responded. "Now Reiji, you can leave now. Please tell anyone to not interfere until I ask to. Don't worry about me, I'll win."

Reiji nodded as he go to my fallen comrades. I saw Serena was staring at me with unreadable expression on her face. Although I am not certain, she seemed relief, happy and upset at the same time. Yuri also staring at me with expression of shock, disbelief and frustation. He seemed frustated that he failed once again to defeat me.

Hah...I better brace myself.

"It seems that the so called 'Galaxy Master' had joined the fight." Zarc's voice caught my attention. "No wonder why you managed to survive that tons of concrete. You are not a mere human, after all. But still, to come and challenge me alone is something beyond foolish. Even Sakaki Yuya and Akaba Reiji who had natural energy cards can't beat me. Your odds to win this is practically 0."

"Is that supposed to scared me? Because I'm not scared at you or that dragon form of yours." Because I've already seen Azathoth itself. "Because all I see in front of me is a duelist that got to full of himself and lashes out unecessary destruction and despair."

Zarc was silent for a moment before let out a chuckle.

"Quite hypocritical to criticize me about causing destruction and despair. Are you not a same man that destroy the stadium on Synchro Dimension and nearly killed your comrades?"

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