A Bitter Taste of Victory

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"Haven't you found anything yet, Byron-san ?"

"Even if you ask me every five seconds, that doesn't mean the result will come sooner. Have a little more patience, Shun." Byron replied in weary look while typing on his computer, his eyes glued on the screen.

Currently, he, Shun, Gongenzaka, Serena, Sawatari, LDS Trio, Allen and Sayaka were in a hidden area underneath the Duel Lodge, which served as a sort of makeshift laboratory for Byron. The members of the Lancers had been astonished upon entering this secret base-like place, which looked like it had come straight out of an Sci-Fi movie. After all, the highly advanced equipment surrounding them looked totally out of place compared to the traditional feel of the dojo.

"What are we doing here again so early in the morning?" Sawatari complained as he stifled a yawn. "I need my beauty sleep if I am to remain in tip-top shape."

"Do you really have such a short attention span, Sawatari?" Gongenzaka shook his head in exasperation. "We were discussing this only minutes ago. Kurosaki wants to track down Kaito in order to persuade him to rejoin the Resistance."

"Good luck with that.." Serena sighed upon remembering Kaito's overly belligerent attitude. "Still, am I the only one concerned over the fact that Mizael and Yuya aren't back yet? They should have returned from the Clover Branch by now since they left so early. What if something happened to them on the way there?"

"Don't worry about those two." Shun reassured her. "They're strong. Beside, this is Mizael we are talking about. Even if they encountered Academia's agents, they should have no problem against them."

"Don't worry too much Serena." Masumi added with a sly smirk. "I'm sure your boyfriend will be okay."

"It's not like that!" She yelled while blushing. "I'm just worried about their safety! Beside, if Mizael was carded, I'll lost my change to beat him!"

Meanwhile, Hokuto and Yaiba, who watching the scene, was thought the same thing. "Tsundere.."

"Got him!" Byron exclaimed in an enthusiastic manner as he almost slammed his face on the screen. "He's currently dueling in the northwest quadrant of Heartland's former commercial area. It's not too far from here, so you should be able to reach him before he finishes his Duel and takes his leave."

"Then what are waiting for ?" Sayaka said. "Let's go there. I'm sure that if we just speak to him, Kaito will see reason."

"That doesn't sound like the Kaito I've come to know.." Allen muttered under his breath. "But more importantly, you're coming too, Sayaka? I'm not sure if that's such a good idea Someone should stay here and protect the Duel Lodge."

"No, I'm coming along as well." Sayaka insisted. "I.. also have to do everything I can for my comrades. I don't want to have any more regrets.."

Allen looked uncertain, but Serena spoke at that point.

"Let her tag along. What's the harm? If it comes down to it, we'll make sure to keep her safe."

"Ah.. Thank you.. Serena.."

Sayaka expressed her gratitude to the indigo-haired girl, although she had a complicated expression on her face as well. It appeared Serena's uncanny resemblance to Ruri was still a source of bewilderment and uncertainty for Sayaka.

"In any case, since we're all committed to this, let's get a move on." Shun said. "If we miss Kaito now, who knows when we'll get a change to approach him again ?"

The Lancers and Resistance members all nodded wordlessly and ran outside, leaving Byron alone in his laboratory as the older man let out a sigh.

"Will you really be able to reach Kaito, Shun ?" Byron wondered. "The scar in his heart was deeper than you can imagine. And regardless of whether you fail or succeed, you still had bigger obstacle to overcome.."

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