The Facility

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"Let go of me you bastard!" Sawatari yelled, trying to get out of Officers grip who was trying to throw him into a transport van.

"Shut up! Get in there!" Officer violently pushed him in the prison transporting van, making him fall. To make things worse, they throw Crow and Shinji on top of me.

"You three get in there as well." He also pushed Yuya, Serena and me to the van, thankfully not as violently as Sawatari.

I inwardly sighed. I tried to stop Serena but she wouldn't listen. I suppose that Facility is a part of the story after all. How else would we show a true meaning of Dueling to Chojiro? Still, she put everyone in danger because of her selfish desires to find Yuzu and the rest of Lancers.

"I know I should tie them up and lock them somewhere safe." I inwardly sighed.

"Kinky." Tachyon commented.

"Shut up, Tachyon."

"Crow!" The kids called out their caretaker, but the Officer stopped them.

"You guys!" Crow banged on van's window. "Take care and eat properly!"

With those last parting words, van drove off as cries of Frank, Amanda and Tanner could be heard. What can they do if their caretaker is taken off?! The window on van closed as Yuya continued desperately calling out of Reira.

"Relax, Yuya." I told him. "I saw Tsukikage taking Reira before security had a chance to capture him. I'm sure he will be okay."

"Thank god." He sighed in relief as he took a seat next to me.

"Tsukikage is the same guy that came from Different Dimension like you guys?" Crow asked me.

"Yeah." I replied before I looked at him. "Let me guess. Sawatari wouldn't shut up about that?"

"Yep." Crow nodded. "He wouldn't shut up about it even after your warning to not tell anything."

"Well, I don't want you to think that we are some kind of lunatic." I said in embarassment.

"Well, after seeing unusual Summoning Method you guys used, it wasn't that hard to believe." Crow pointed out.

"This is a mistaken arrest!" Sawatari yelled to the camera on the van. "When my father heard about this, you all will done for!"

"Sit the fuck down or I swear to outer gods that I'll beat the living shit out of you and twist your neck until it snap."

At my threat, Sawatari and everyone on the van giving me a shock looks. Sawatari immediately sat down after I gave him a murderous glare. Thank you Rimuru for the technique.

"How did they found us? After all, none of us roamed around, making a big public commotion with our unusual Summoning Method. Right Serena, Sawatari?" I sarcasstically asked the two persons, who look uncomfortable.

"Sawatari and I went out to look out for Yuzu last night." Serena admitted almost immediately. "And we...Dueled a few times to find a Strong Duelists."

"Really?" I said in disbelief. "After everything I said to you, you still aimlessly search for Yuzu?!"

"I'm truly sorry." She had guilty looks on her face. "I should listened your words from the start."

I sighed. "At least you apologize. I just hope that nothing bad happen to the kids. Because if it does, it is on you and banana head over there. As for us, we will managed somehow. Also, apologize to Crow and Shinji."

"It's okay." Shinji smiled. "At least we managed to avoid kids got captured too. Besides, Security tends to capture Commons for no reason like this, so it was all bound to happen."

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