Mizael's True Power! Embodiment of Darkness!

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Security HQ

"I see..." Roget placed a hand on his face as he watched Yuya trying to prevent Duel Chaser 227 from being sent to the Underground. "So that's your true colors. Impressive. I can use you if my first associate doesn't survive this little "test" I have in mind for him."

Upon finishing his thoughts, Roget pressed a button on his Control Pannel and monitor lit up, showing a man in a lab coat.

"Mister Director." Man bowed in a sign of respect. "Chip that you requested is finished. Only your permission is needed to install it into boys helmet."

"Permission granted." Roget had a feral smirk on his face.

"As you wish, Sir." With those words, screen turned off.

He leaned back into his chair. "It's time to see if Kuroba Mizael can be of any use to me."

Mizael's Room

"Well..." I sighed with exasperation. "That sure was interesting."

I recalled phenomenom during Yuya's Duel against Duel Chaser 227. I expected to go same like it did in Anime, but unfortunately for our Security Officer, it didn't. Yuya called 4 of his Dragons and destroyed him completely, even more than in a Canon fight.

"Hey, Tachyon." I called him as he materialized beside me.

"Yes, Master?"

"You said I'm a Barian, right? That means I can do a Barianmorph?"

"Yes, you can. If I can ask, why so sudden, Master?"

"I just curious and also..." I gained serious expression. "I'm afraid that prick Roget tried to Control me or something."

"If he do that, you can just turn into Barian Mode, Master."

Tachyon's answer make me smile in relief. Then TV in my room lit up, showing Melisa with her usual happy attitude.

"Next is Yugo vs Sawatari Shingo!"

"Heh..." I smirk. "This will be interesting to watch."

I sat on my bed and began watching the Duel. Even Sawatari is a clown of this series, he got some serious skill. He lowered Yugo's Lifepoints into 550 and crippled his Clear Wing as well, reducing it's ATK points into 0. In the end, Yugo was the winner by making a beautiful comeback.

"Well I'm not surprise." I said. "But still I feel kinda bad for Sawatari."

"Now, let's introduce out Duelist for our Third Match of the day!" Melisa announced as numerous holographic images of her were showed around Duel Stadium. "Damon Lopez! And Sergey Volkov!"

First came out Damon with a positive and entusiastic attitude.

Sergey followed up, riding his ridicilously big D-Wheel. Upon hearing his name, the audience became worried for their safety.

"When she said Sergey, did she meant..."

"That Sergey?"

"They invited Duelist Crusher to particiapte in Friendship Cup?"

After few comments from the crowd, both of them pulled over at the start line, ready to Duel.

"It's finally beginning." Roget moved one of his chess pieces. "First step of my plan."

And then the Duel start. Just like in Anime, Damon was being 'punished' and defeat brutally with Sergey's Fusion Monster.

"This is bullshit." I said to the camera on my room. "Really? A cycborg prisoner using Polymerization and let me guess, you still don't do anything?! You still deny possibility of having a rat from Fusion Dimension pulling the strings behind this Tournament!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: The Galaxy MasterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora