A New Life

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Somewhere on Outer Space

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon fly through universes. Trying to shut up the indignant rage and despair he felt. A world had split apart. Not just fractured. Split apart.

Linear timeline become branches of new world.

People who should be gone suddenly come back. And worse, his Former Master included.

It was too much. Too much. TOO FUCKING MUCH!

He want to get away from it.

Don’t get him wrong. He understands why the Spirits and Gods are indignant. A mere human cause so much chaos. It was beyond what Barian are capable of. It was worse than Light of Destruction.

And unlike those times, they cannot act. It was frustrating. He want to do something. He had to do something.

(“I wish I’ve done something different back then.”)

But how?

His chosen cannot hear him. Their bond is severed. And dear Outer Gods above, it hurts. It hurts in way no word could describe.

(“It hurts. Rimuru. Hosen. The holes you two left behind… it hurts.”)

As much as he loathe it, he need a new vessel. A new champion.

(“But… I should live on. At least I should try to live on…”)

Who’s talking?

Curious, Photon take a turn in that corner of universe. Bypassing several dimensions until he reach one where magic is all but extinct. Where his history is mere fiction show meant to promote a game.

And in that faithless world, he finally found it. A soul that echoed his thought. A soul that, for all intent and reason, at that moment, suited him.

Lost and adrift. Angry and hopeless, but still determined to continue on even being plagued by despair as it much. Remnants of another soul, a tether recently departed echo glued to the lost soul. Acting like guiding star to the budding supernova. His new Champion.

Mind’s made, Photon turned back to where he came from. He had to tell Tachyon...no, not only him. He need to tell every member of Photon and Galaxy about this. He also need to tell the Outer God, the strongest one, The Blind Dreamer - Azathoth. If the new Champion want any chance of surviving that clusterfuck of worlds, he need all help he could get.

Tokyo - Cemetery

“Hi, Rimuru.” I tried to smile as I put fresh flower on her grave. “Happy Birthday.”

My name is Kuroba Raiden and I'm a 16 years old high school student. I live in small apartement with one bedroom, kitchen, dining room and restroom. My parents is too busy with their works so they visit not-so often. I don't have many friends at school because I often spent my time with my best friends.

Speaking of best friends, I have two. Their name is Rimuru Arashi and Hanazawa Hosen. We know each other since we're kids. We used to do anything together. But...both of them are dead. Rimuru was stabbed by a thief who try to rob her, Hosen died because of his brain cancer.

This day, 9th June, was supposed to be the best day for Rimuru. Last year, we had cakes and throwing party. Staying up till late night watching movie and playing games. Last year, we are together. But this year...

“Is it fun, being over there?” I ask her, even if I know she won’t response to me. “Do you and Hosen have fun? Was it like what they portrayed? Fluffy above the cloud… golden gate… angels everywhere…? Well, I think the angels would get jealous of you. You are so brave and pretty.” I chuckle.

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