The Battle in Fusion Dimension

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*A moment of Silence for our Sensei and the True King of Games, Kazuki Takahashi* - *Enjoy the New Chapters. Happy Reading :)*

Standard Dimension - LEO Corporation

"How curious..."

Inside the top floor of LDS Tower, where the President's office was situated, Akaba Reiji was staring at the screen of his computer with an intense expression while he muttered so. Across him, Sora was relaxing on the luxurious sofa while licking a lollipop with a content expression on his face. Upon hearing the grey-haired youth's words however, Sora turned to him with an inquisitive expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Akaba Reiji? Did you finally manage to discover anything in Leo Corporation's database regarding the Professor's plan?"

"Only few and pieces." Reiji said as he turned the computer towards Sora. "My father delete most of his research and personal files right before disappearing, so I was unable to salvage anything of value regarding this Arc Area Project of his. However, I did come across something interesting that he overlooked."

With his curiosity, Sora approached the computer and was surprising upon seeing the familiar people depicted on the screen.

"Is that...a younger Serena and...Yuri?" Sora said in confusion and disbelief. "What's the meaning of this?"

"I'm not certain." Reiji said as he leaned back on his chair. "Apparently, they and the rest of their counterparts in the Four Dimensions are supposed to play a key role in a plan my father simply refers to as Revival Zero. It's most likely connected to the Arc Area Project, but there are no further details within the remaining files."

"Then that means...Yuya and Yuzu are also supposed to play a major role in the Professor's plan?" Sora wondered. "But why? Apart from having the same face, what's so special about them? Is there perhaps they have the hidden power to interfere Professor's plan?"

"I wonder..." Reiji rubbed his chin. "I always found the situation was odd for more reasons than one. Yuya's capability to evolve is simply astounding, progressing much faster than regular Duelists and capable to unleashed the full power of Pendulum. Thanks to his training with Mizael, he now capable to use all Extra Deck Summoning Method. He even mastered the advance method of Extra Summoning like Contact Fusion, Accel Synchro and Overscale Pendulum. I believe no matter what kind of training that Mizael gave to him, there's odd he become so strong in instant. From that, I can only assume that these boys hide some extraordinary power within them that my father... fears."

"It's make sense I guess..." Sora muttered. "But wait a minute. Then what's Mizael role at this?"

"I can only assume that something or someone has sent him to our world to help us." Reiji assume. "It was odd that Mizael come to our world at the time we are at war. Even better, the first person he ever met is Yuya and Yuzu, the person who play major role on this war. That came to my conclusion that this mysterious being has sent him to help us fighting Academia."

"I guess so..." Sora sighed. "He's the one who taught Yuya Extra Deck Summoning Method after all...speaking of that, you said LEO Corporation was unable to grant the power of Pendulum to Extra Deck Monsters and Ritual Monsters, right? In that case, how come you has such cards in your Extra Deck? Did you also generated them by yourself like Yuya?"

"No, these were made by Leo Corporation, albeit in a different manner compared to the other Pendulum cards we created." Reiji began explaining. "Having detected some strange energy readings coming from Yuya's Pendant and Monsters, I discreetly examined it without his knowledge and found out that it possesses a significant amount of natural energy. Since I was curious about it, I collected a sample of energy from it and experimented with it after finding out that it had good compatibility with Duel Monster cards. So imagine my surprise when I found out that the collected energy was capable of stabilizing the experimental cards I made for myself."

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