Let's just get going.

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Aru's POV

 "Come on, Niki! We don't have time for this!" 

"What do you mean? There is always time for a glow up." Nikita exclaimed, tossing her braids over her shoulder. 

"Seriously, all we're doing is taking a hike through the Andheri Woods." I frowned, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Doesn't mean we can't look good while doing it." Nikita snapped. I sighed, I knew it was useless to argue. No one can convince Niki, my soul sister, otherwise.

I did have to admit. Niki had style. She gave me an elegant but simple red dress that flowed just below my knees. Along with a pair and gold-dusted flats and some metal band bracelets, I almost actually looked good.

I nodded with appreciation. "I look nice Niki. Thanks."

Niki tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Of course you look good. I made you look good." I rolled my eyes. Nikita could get such a big ego. I exited the room, only to run into my other soul sisters, Brynne and Mini. 

"Aru! There you are! We've been looking for you." Mini realized what I was wearing. "Aru, you look good!" I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Excuse me, I always look good." I twirled on the spot. "But thank you."

Brynne elbowed me. "I know someone whose jaw is gonna drop when he sees you." She winked obnoxiously.  I blushed, realizing who she was talking about. Aiden. Things had gotten weird between us ever since the kiss. He acted as if it had never happened and didn't say as much as a word since then. Even after the sleeper. My father. My hand went unconsciously to my wrist, where Vajra, my lightning bolt, my weapon, had been destroyed by the astrya. By Kara. The untrue sister, who abandoned us for our manipulative father. Who betrayed us after we made her a part of the family.

I shook my head. We couldn't afford any negative thoughts. We were going to have a little fun.

In the mysterious Andheri Woods.

(Just to let you know Andheri is just something I made up.)

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