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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading

Aamal p.o.v

A dimly lit room with a single window overlooking the city. A soft breeze flows through the partially opened window, caressing the room with a touch of serenity. The room is sparsely decorated, filled with worn-out furniture and books scattered across the shelves. A quiet stillness lingers in the air.

I awoke with a gasp. I blinked rapidly, attempting to regain my bearings. My head throbs with a dull ache, and my vision takes a moment to focus.

The room comes into clearer view, and I realise I am  lying on a weathered, brown leather couch. Confusion creases my brows as I take in my surroundings. I gingerly touch my face, wincing as pain radiates from a bruised cheekbone.

" Where am I?" I whisper, groggily

Suddenly, a shadowy figure walks into the room. It's Insha  carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water.

She was startled, concerned " You're awake! How are you feeling?" 

I wince as I try to sit up. She rushes to my side, supporting my back and gently arranging pillows for my comfort.

" I... I don't remember much. Everything is hazy" I seriously couldn't remember anything .

She places the tray on a small table next to me then hands me a glass of water and helps me drink.

She looked at me sympathetically, " Take your time, you've been through a lot. I found out you were badly beaten but Devil saved you " 

My eyes widen as a flash of memory flickers across my mind. I wince, clutching my temple.

" HE SAVED ME ??? WHAT A LIAR " I tried to push her away but couldn't .

" What are you talking about ?" She was genuinely confused .

" Insha that man " I struggle not to cry " he left me to that group of men and you know they tried too " I squeezed my eyes shut remembering how they were about to…

" But I ran and I ended up tripping into Devil unconscious body and I SAVED HIS LIFE NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND  I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW I END UP HER, WE WERE IN SOME COTTAGE " suddenly I sat down on the bed feeling exhausted.

Her eyes widened slightly, admiration shining through her concern.

" You were brave, risking your life for him. But I saw him carried you here… " 

" But why…." I cried " I saved my life by myself , I was free I just tried to help and he caged me again an ungrateful - " I stopped myself before hurling abuses. 

I hate him….


I hate him ….

She wrapped her hand around me engulfing me toward a sisterly hug and I couldn't help but cry my heart out.

Next morning….

" Don't worry, it's almost 8 months , you will be free bird in the next few months " Rabia aunty assured me so did Sohaib , surprisingly his demeanour changed after that incident . He started talking to me softly too .

" Are you sure , I don't trust that man? " I cried .

" Don't worry sweety , we are all here for you" I glanced at Sohaib who nodded with a small smile , I want to trust their word but being broken before I better know not to .

Days started to pass by and everything started to fall back into its place , feeling happy . I prayed my fajr prayer then went downstairs .I walked toward the garden as my bare feet touched the wet grass , the cold breeze touched my body . A small appeared on my lips as I closed my eyes taking a long deep refreshing breath . Opening my eyes I walk around the beautiful flowers wandering freely , this is the only time the whole house stays asleep except a few female staff and this is the only time I roam freely without an ounce of fear . I used to roam around this beautiful garden every morning but after coming back something feels not right . Thinking about me being delusional I tried my best to ignore the feeling like a pair of eyes following me everywhere . Again I looked around to see someone watching me but failed as always . Suddenly feeling conscious I decided to go back inside .

After that day I haven't seen the devil much even though sometimes I do , he never acknowledges my presence and I am somewhat happy about it .

The day went as usual…. Everyone went to their respective rooms , the mansion light went off , except the night one's . Before going to bed I decided to bring some cold water from the fridge . I was about to freeze when my body got stilled .

A shiver ran down my spine as I felt someone's hot breath near my ear . In panic I tried to turn around but his hand wrapped around my waist and the other one clasp my mouth . 

" Don't " he whispered near my ear …. My eyes widened in panic acknowledging the chilling voice of none other than Devil himself .


Another update hope you all like it ….

Just one thing I want to clear about Aamal that she is not a very attractive looking women with exceptional beautiful.  She is just ordinary girl like everyone.  I really really believe everyone in this world is beautiful in their own way and only those who truly value you are going to find you beautiful .

If you see my recent book I have never described my character's physical features , so that everyone can imagine in their own way . 

Pointed nose , plump lip , sharp jaw doesn't make a person beautiful but a good heart and manners does ..

Sorry today I am ranting alot but I have seen women getting obsessed by so called Beauty standard and filters which are not even real ….


As ALLAH THE AL- MIGHTY SAID IN THE QURAN - He Who created all things in the best way and He began the creation of man from clay" (al-Sajdah 32:7).

Man is created as the most beautiful creature on earth. He is given the power of reasoning and insight. He is created as the vicegerent on earth never to be forsaken by God's words of guidance.

MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum