Wedding preparations

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading…

Zoaib p.o.v

As I stood there, silently observing the scene unfolding before me, my heart sank. From the corner of the room, I watched Haider, pacing back and forth with determination etched on his face. He seemed adamant about marrying Amal, oblivious to the fact that her tear-stained eyes betrayed the inner turmoil she was enduring.

Aamal, so delicate and gentle, her usual vibrant spirit seemed to have withered away at that moment. She was confined to the solitude of her room, her sobs echoing through the walls. I could feel her pain reverberating in my own core, making every fibre of my being ache with sympathy.

I found myself torn between the loyalty I felt towards Haider and the deep affection that I held for Aamal. It was a conflicting position to be in, particularly as a silent witness to her discontentment. I wished there was something I could do, some way I could shield her from this unwanted alliance that Haider seemed set on.

In that moment, I wanted more than anything to be her confidante, the one she could share her fears and apprehensions with. But I knew that my presence would only serve as a reminder of the choice Haider was making. The very thought of their union felt like a betrayal to Aamal's radiant spirit, a refusal of the life and love she yearned for.

Watching Haider, I couldn't help but question his resolve. Did he not see the sorrow etched in every tear that fell from Aamal eyes? Did he not recognize the reluctance that emanated from her trembling figure? I wanted to reach out to him, to plead with him to reconsider, to see beyond what his eyes deceived him into believing.

But alas, it was not for me to interfere. I could only stand there silently, an invisible observer to a tragedy that was unfolding before my very eyes. A heavy sense of helplessness engulfed me as I grappled with the knowledge that Aamal's voice, her desires, were being overshadowed by Haider's seemingly unquestionable decision.

As the tears continued to cascade down Aamal's face, I wished for her to find solace, strength, and ultimately a way to protect her own happiness. She deserved a love that would uplift her spirit, not diminish it. And with a glimmer of hope, I clung to the possibility that someday, her tears would turn into smiles, and her cries would be replaced with joyous laughter.    

Third person p.o.v


The dimly lit basement is cluttered with old furniture, stacked boxes, and damp walls. The air is heavy with tension. IBRAHIM, lies on a makeshift bed, his face pale with pain and sweat trickling down his forehead. Huddled close to him is AAMAL UNCLE, with a worried expression.

Haider, a tall and intimidating figure, storms into the room, his eyes burning with anger. He brandishes a switchblade, the cold steel glinting ominously in the dim light.

" Haider, please Aamal is not mine to give away. She's a free woman, and she decides who she wants to marry." Aamal uncle felt frightened

" Haider, this is madness. Aamal doesn't love you. Let her be happy with the person she chooses." Ibrahim said groaning in pain

HAIDER's face reddens with rage, and he clenches his fist tightly around the handle of the knife.

" Ibrahim, you've always been a weakling. Just remember, if Aamal doesn't become mine, I'll make sure she suffers by losing you!" Haider said gritting his teeth 

" Haider, don't you see how wrong this is? Threatening Ibrahim won't change Aamal's feelings. Love can't be forced " Aamal uncle said with teary-eyed

As Aamal Uncle pleads with Haider, Ibrahim musters all his strength to protect his sister

" Haider, please listen. Love can't be controlled through violence. Let her go. Set her free." He said struggling to speak.

Haider's eyes flicker with a mix of anger and contemplation. He raises the knife, taking a step towards Ibrahim, ready to strike.

" Okay! Okay! I will give Aamal hand to you as his guardian please please don't kill my son " Aamal uncle shouted in pure panic .

" Dad ! No " but before Ibrahim could protest Haider knocked him out with one shot on his head .

While a sinister winning smirk appears on his face .

Footstep heard as a man came and whisper something to Haider ear .

" Now ?" He growl irritated .

" It's urgent boss "

" Fine, " irritated Haider, standing up " Start the wedding preparations. I am coming after completing important work " he announced marching back to the door he came from.

Aamal uncle cried helplessly…. The guilt of choosing his son over Aamal's life started to creep on his chest …

" What have I done my lord? " he cried, still tied to the chair .

Precape- "  I curse you Haider you took my son away , One day you will lose someone you love more than your life too "  The rain soaked both of their body , Haider glare at the lady while she walk away without an ounce of fear on her face .

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