Sealed Fate

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Important note - Forceful marriages are strictly prohibited in Islam in fact it doesn't even consider a marriage even if you exchange vows. 

If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading…

Aamal p.o.v

As I knelt down on the prayer rug, tears streamed down my face, mingling with the drops of sweat forming on my forehead. My trembling hands clenched tightly onto the beads of the prayer beads, seeking solace and strength from the One Above.

I couldn't believe that this was my reality; my life had taken a devastating turn. I was about to wed Haider, a feared and ruthless figure in the world of organised crime. The man who held my future hostage, forcing me into this unholy matrimony against my will.

As the verses of the Quran rolled off my tongue, my pleas for protection and guidance echoed in the depths of my soul. I cried out to Allah, begging Him to intervene, to rescue me from this plight. The corners of my lips quivered, betraying my pain, as I sought comfort in His presence.

As the agonising reality sunk in, my heart grew heavier, burdened with the weight of the life I was about to be thrust into. My faith, my only solace, was now entangled with the darkness threatening to engulf my existence. I wondered how I could honour my vows to a man who stood on the wrong side of the law, a man responsible for so much pain and misery.

The rhythm of my sobs interrupted the tranquillity of the prayer room, as if reaching out to the heavens, imploring for mercy, for a divine intervention. I yearned for the strength to withstand the storm ahead, to resist the toxic lure of Haider's world.

In the midst of my anguish, I held onto a flicker of hope, believing that Allah would grant me the strength to navigate this treacherous path. I knew deep inside that my resilience would be tested; that my conviction in Him would be the anchor that guided me through the dark and treacherous sea in which I found myself captive.

As I concluded my salah, wiping away my tears, I rose from the prayer rug with a newfound determination. In that moment, I made a silent promise to my trembling heart—I would not let this marriage define me. I would remain steadfast in my beliefs, fighting against the clutches of Haider's Mafia world, even if it meant a future filled with uncertainty and danger.

With Allah as my witness and source of strength, I took a deep breath and braced myself for the turbulent path that lay ahead. Though fearful and uncertain, I knew that my faith would be my constant companion, illuminating the darkest corners of my existence. And with that unwavering conviction, I stepped into the unknown, prepared to face the perils of my forced union with Haider head-on.     

Later on the female staff provided me with a wedding dress. I stare at the dress. It looks so expensive , it's funny isn't it . Every girl dreams to look best on her wedding day yet here even feeling like my soul is getting empty with each passing second .

After getting ready , the women came to take me downstairs where the wedding ceremony will be held . As I stepped downstairs I saw the whole living room decorated with red and white roses. My uncle is standing with Haider's men. I could see the tears and guilt swirling in his eyes . 

My eyes squeeze shut letting the tears flow freely .

He couldn't even meet my gaze .

My eyes then fell on Haider who was sitting in the opposite chair of mine . With white groom dress indeed he was the most handsome man I have ever seen but also he is the ugliest personality I have ever known . I saw Rebecca and other female staff too. Rebecca is burning in jealousy while Sofia and my other friends have a sad smile on their face .

The arrogance dripped from Haider's face , his eyes sparkled like he just won a trophy.  Yeah I guess that's what I am to him .

Do I really deserve a man like him???

I was supposed to Marry Farhan? Farhan, the man I have given my heart to since my childhood . 

I always knew it was impossible for me to marry him but even though living in reality deep down the tiniest part of my heart hoping that my life partner will be him, I guess . The biggest part of my heart won today .

Today this living monster will be my husband I thought as they made me sit opposite of him.

The imam sahab started the ceremony . 

" I do " I heard his deep dark voice while his eyes never left even for a single moment .

" Do you Accept him as your husband? '' I heard imam sahab .

My hand automatically curls into fist as my eyes squeeze shut in fear .

With a heavy heart I spoke those words .

" I do " and just like that I sealed my fate with this Devil .


Finally they are married .

Who thinks they are going to be endgame ??? 

To know more update about my books and Mafia love do follow me on instagram Secretwriter1396

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