please don't leave me

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If you haven't prayed your salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading...

Aamal p.o.v

" Ahh…my head, " I murmured, trying to open my eyes . It felt so heavy like someone forcefully trying to shut it down .

The pain was like fire burning my legs. I winced. It blew up in my head with a terrifying blankness. It was nauseating. I started to quiver. The pain felt like a hot, sharp knife, covered in salt, slicing through my skin and into my muscles and bones, as though my leg had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck my body from head to toe.

" Wa- water "

Suddenly a bucket of water splash on my face mercilessly forcing me to gasp for breath .

" Wake up Princess your boss has come to negotiate " everything was blurry but I could see a man standing in front of me . I tried to move, that's when I realized I was tied to a chair .

How the hell did I end up here???

Flash back

" Where are you taking me ?" I ask Shoaib, terrified,   the man who brought me here .

" Chill, I am taking you to the doctor , Maryam said you have been constantly throwing up for a few days " he opened the gate and made me sit inside then went to the driver seat .

" Why do you care if I am ill?" I really don't expect any care from them .

" I don't but my wife does" he almost sounds so irritated.

" Who is your wife? " I fired another question as he started the car .

He gave a look …

" What?'' I ask timidly, feeling conscious .

" You have been staying here for months and you don't know my wife ?"

" Sorry I mind my own business " I didn't want to sound sarcastic but his raised eyebrows forced me to come out .

We were half way through when a car hit us from the left and it turned 360°. I could see my world spinning then the pain hit me.” “I heard a cackle and then with a flash of pain I was on my back, bewildered.

Blood started to pour from the side of my eye slowly blackness claimed my eyes …. But not before I saw a few men coming towards us with gun

Flash back end .

Third person p.o.v

In the full room with men holding guns on one side while the Haider sat on the other side alone like an alpha wolf .

It would have been easy for Zorawar to kill his enemy who was sitting right in front of him without an ouch of fear on his face but he knew better .

In a blink Haider can finish his family's whole existence .

" Where is Sohaib ?" He spoke slowly but it sent a shivering chill to all the men standing . They knew taking his man was the biggest mistake of their life .

" Ha- " Haider little frown on his face made them take his word back " I mean devil , we - we didn't knew it was your man "

An evil smirk spread on his face as he leaned on the couch like a king with one leg on another shaking it .

" So you are saying , YOU captured my people by mistake right " they all kept silent .

" AM I RIGHT ?" As the wrathful voice continued, Zorawar could feel the crowd around him growing more and more tense.

He wanted to take revenge but just heard that his whole family whose existence was hidden till date was captured by Haider men .

" Leave him "

" NOW!" his expression changes into beast .

Zorawar hurriedly nodded and signed his men to bring Sohaib and Aamal .

The moment they came , Haider's eyes frowned upon Aamal and he scan her from head to toe . It felt like she had been beaten up badly .

" Who is she? " There was disgust in his voice .

" Devil's , she is  …I was taking her to the doctor when they attacked " Sohaib glared at them .

" Sit in the car '' he stood up tall  " And you can take her " Haider signs toward Aamal like she is some piece of garbage whom he doesn't want anymore .

Shoaib and Aamal eyes widened … but men took Sohaib outside " No " Amal tried to refuse, held back by men .

" No…please don't do this to me , please don't leave me " she shouted at the top of her lungs begging for mercy but it fell deaf in his ear .

Sohaib felt pity but he had no choice but to leave .

" NO….NO…. PLEASE…. PLEASE TAKE ME PLEASE…." she shouted and cried but they were long gone .


Okay…. …. Hard to write this chapter… feeling bad for Aamal .

What do you think???

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