The Road So Far:

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The Road So Far:

-The TARDIS senses a problem, something wibbly wobbly timey wimey related, and the Doctor sends Castiel to get help. Castiel informs Sam and Dean Winchester that they will be leaving for London, 221b Baker Street the next morning, to meet an unknown Doctor. Meanwhile, the Doctor informs Sherlock of his problem, involvig moving statues and mysterious dissaperances. Sherlock agrees to help and enters the TARDIS with the Doctor. The Doctor and Sherlock go to the airport to meet Sam and Dean. While waiting at the airpoort, the Doctor informs Sherlock that Captain Jack Harkness will be joining them as well. Once the Winchesters meet up with the Doctor and Serlock, Castiel goes off to bring Jack to meet up with them as well. After introducing themselves to each other, the team (Doctor, Castiel, Dean, Sam, Serlock, and Jack) then Doctor explains the problem. Weeping Angels. The most activity was coming from the heart of London. A cemetery called Three Raven Cemetery. They all go there to investigate, splitting up into teams to cover more ground (Jack and Sam, Castiel and Sherlock, Dean and the Doctor). They all set off in their paired teams in search of clues.

Quick little update thing. and just to keep you informed, The Doctor, Dean, Sherlock, and Castiel have already had a minor encounter with the weeping angels. anyway, I have major writer's block right now, so i'm working on doing some brainstorming...

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