Chapter 9:

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Dean stumbled off the plane in a rush, followed by Sam and Castiel.

"Are you done hyperventilating?" Sam asked with a slight smirk.

"Shut up." Dean said, quickly catching his breath. "You know I'm not good with planes."

Sam rolled his eyes and looked over to Castiel. "What terminal did you say we were meeting"

"Terminal B4." Castiel answered.

"Alright." Dean sighed, "Let's go then."

Castiel led the way to B4, Sam and Dean close behind.

"We still don't know why we're here." Dean remarked, eyeing one of the small airport cafes as they walked by.

"According to Cas, we're here to meet the Doctor." Sam responded.

"We know that, I mean why are we meeting him?" Dean said, as they approached B4.

Before the angel could answer, a tall man (not as tall as Sam of course, that moose is so tall) in a blue suit and a light brown trenchcoat with spiky brown hair came bounding over, followed less excitedly by a man with black curly hair and a dark coloured overcoat.

"Castiel, there you are!" The man with the light brown trenchcoat said happily. "Thanks for bringing the Winchesters."

"Wait, who are you?" Sam asked.

"Oh, right, sorry. I'm the Doctor!" The man said, holding out a hand for Sam to shake. Sam reluctantly shook his hand.

"Doctor Who?" Dean asked, wondering why it was so important that they meet this so called Doctor.

The Doctor grinned at what must've been some kind of inside joke, "Just the Doctor."

"Right..." Dean said slowly.

"Oh! And this is Sherlock," the Doctor introduced the man with the dark overcoat, who was looking at Sam and Dean, and appeared to be in deep thought.

"Do you mind telling us why we're here?" Sam asked the Doctor.

"Of course not. I wouldn't have you come all the way to London without telling you why, could I? Oh wait..." The doctor thought over the current predicament and the reality of what he just said, "well...I guess there's no better time than now to tell you!"

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "just tell them already. Its obvious that they're frustrated, Dean especially, he seems fidgety. Scared even. According to the fact that he's just been on a plane for quite a few hours, I'd say that unless he is still getting over something from back in the United States, he was scared by something on the plane. Planes are usually safe, relaxing for some, bothersome other times, which brings us to the idea of being afraid of flying, which I would say Dean is."

Dean and Sam exchanged a look.

"How do you know my name, and...and what..." Dean said, totally lost.

"Well, the Doctor informed me of your names, so that was quite simple." Sherlock said, "the rest was simple deduction."

There was a few moments of silence.

"So, Cas. While I tell them the plan, we'll be meeting someone else, or I assume he'll be coming....could you go find him for me and bring him back here? His name's Captain Jack Harkness." The Doctor said, ridding them of the awkward silence. Castiel gave a nod of agreement and disappeared, leaving behind only the sound of flapping wings.

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