Chapter 6:

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 "Are you sure taking a plane is the best option?" Dean asked, as he drove the Impala towards the airport.

"We are going to London..." Sam commented.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," Dean remarked sarcastically, "You know what I mean."

"That you're afraid of flying. I know." Sam replied, smirking. "Anyway, why are we going to London again Cas?" Sam turned to look at the angel sitting in the backseat.

"I've been sent by the Doctor," Castiel anwered.

" can we just go over our plan here again?" Sam asked Dean.

"We're going to drive to the airport, get on a plane for London, and apparently meet this Doctor when we get there. Right, Cas?" Dean said, going off of what Castiel had told him.

"Yes." Castiel answered.

"And you know who this Doctor is? We can trust him?" Sam asked, sounding unsure.

"Yes." Castiel replied again, as the Impala pulled into the airport parking lot.

Wasn't that another lovely short chapter? Anyways, thanks for reading, as always! Follow and like.

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