Chapter 18:

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The doctor leaned against one of the graves near the entrance of the cemetery, waiting for the rest of the group to gather. After a few more minutes the rest of the group started to show up.
"Anyone find anything?" The doctor asked hopefully.
"I suspect there's something going on here," Sherlock replied, "we're just not paying enough attention to whatever said 'thing' is."
"Okay...yes. Probably." The doctor kicked at the ground. "Someone must've seen something though...right?"
"Well from what I've seen, there are weeping angels here, but none of them have really tried making a move." Dean offered, shrugging.
"Doctor, If what you have told us about these weeping angels is correct, I would assume the angels would be trying harder than just moving a few inches, to 'kill' us, correct?" Castiel pondered.
"I agree with Cas, they would be trying harder...unless something was...stopping them from doing so, maybe?" Sam said, thoughtfully, looking around at the rest of the group for support.
"Controlling them, you mean?" Jack asked.
"I guess," Sam replied, "if that's possible." "Well, since they feed off of potential energy...say a weeping angel hasn't been able to feed on energy for a few centuries or more, and they finally got the chance to get a few morsels of food..." The Doctor said, creating a theory in his head, "then they would do anything for that food, you would too, if you were hungry enough."
"What you're saying is, someone managed to starve the weeping angels and promised them food in return for their service?" Sherlock finished the statement.
The doctor nodded, "it's possible, I suppose."
Jack looked at the Doctor, raising an eyebrow, "Right, yeah, but who would have the power to do something like that...?"

Figured I'd try to make the story a bit more interesting. I bet you're all on the edge of you seat now, cliffhangers all No you're not...? Well that's fine too....k.

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