Chapter 11:

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Jack almost stumbled over, suddenly feeling the ground under foot again.

"Good Job Cas! That's record time of three minutes!" A familiar voice called. Jack looked up to see the Doctor running over with a few others.

"What just happened...?" Jack asked.

"Would you believe me if I said you were flown here by an angel in under 10 seconds?" The Doctor asked.

Jack looked around, "was that the sudden rush of air?" They were all standing on the airport, near terminal 4B.

The Doctor nodded, "I figured you'd want to join us so I asked Castiel to bring you here."

"Right..." I said slowly, looking at Castiel, "So you are an angel. I've never met an angel before..."

"Since you're here, I was just about to explain everything. But first, introductions." The Doctor went around the group introducing people to Jack.

*time skip because you know how long introductions can be sometimes*

"Now that we all know each other, here's what's going on..."

To be continued...even though its not really that huge of a cliffhanger. Anyway! Thanks for reading and stuff. I'll continue when I can.

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