"Robert...I swear to you...I am very much capable of killing you." I growl as the guy in my armlock groans in pain as I put more pressure on his neck. "Who the hell are you?" He asks keeping his defenses up. "I'm the bitch you messed with and will end up regretting." I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn to see who it is. "Robert!" I hear Carter yell out. "What the hell were you thinking coming here?!" He bellows. I look at him and nod at him. "What's up?" He looks at me impressed. "You wanna explain how she managed to take down two of my men?" Robert sneers. I laugh shaking my head as keep applying pressure to his guy's neck making him pass out. I drop him on the ground. "I told you Robert...my girl is a literal fighter. You are in no place to ask questions after threatening her!" Carter steps forward. "You know what I want Alvarez...I want everything you have." Robert smirks. "Enough of this." I walk over and hit him in the head with the butt of the gun acquired. Carter stares in shock. "Now y'all can take him in and interrogate him." I smile. "You're welcome." I say picking my book up as some of Carter's men including Lincoln and Liam come to take Robert and his goons in. "Are you coming?" I look at Carter waiting for his answer. He nods clearing his throat and starts to follow me back to our hotel. 

He grabs my hand and stops me before we head inside. "Are you alright?" His voice was full of worry, and he starts to check me for injuries. "Carter. I'm more than fine." I smile. "You just took down three men, one of them being my rival. when my guys took months to find them." I shrug. "It's no big deal." I pull him inside the hotel and start heading up to our room. "It is a big deal, 'cause now we can use Robert as a means to make a deal." He starts kissing me all over my face until the elevator doors open. I just chuckle, walking to our room. "Well. I'm glad I could help, even if it was at the most inconvenient place." I claim sitting on the couch. Carter smiles. "Let me get changed into more comfortable attire, and then I will take you somewhere." I shake my head. "Babe, you must be tired." He kisses my forehead. "Nonsense! I feel fantastic!" I laugh watching him leave to change. He comes out in a simple black T-shirt and jeans. "Let's go, I already know where I will take you." I nod getting up. He looks at me eyes my outfit. "I didn't notice earlier due to all the commotion...you look badass and sexy." I wink giving him a little twirl. 

We walk out of the hotel and head to Carter's car. "Where are we going?" I ask as the driver starts to drive. "We are headed to see the Ely Cathedral in Ely, Cambridge." Carter smiles. "Oh yeah! I heard of it! I heard it's beautiful." I glamor at the fact I get to see it. I watch as we pass by the city. "God...last time I was here, everything was so hectic, I never got to see anything." Carter looks at me. "Because of Owen Shaw right?" I nod. "We were working as soon as we got to the UK." I lean back in my seat. "It feels like yesterday." I sigh resting my head on his shoulder. He tenderly starts to massage the back of my head. "I know how that feels." He mumbles kissing my hair. "We have crazy lives, lives we can't get out of, even if we try normal." I nod in agreement. 

"So are you gonna get answers out of Robert today?" I ask curiously. "Can I come too if you do?" Carter smiles. "Of course. My father will be there, I think you should be there with me." I look at him raising a brow. "You're not just taking me to get your parents all riled up, are you?" He shakes his head rapidly. "Absolutely not! Plus in the mafia, we keep our significant others and partners close during times like this." He says in defense. "Okay. Cause I have some skills that can be used to get answers out of him." I smirk deviously. Carter chuckles. "Don't worry my love, this is my business." I nod.

after what feels like almost 2 hours, we make it to our location. I stare in awe at the cathedral in front of us. "This is so cool." I internally squeal taking Carter's hand and dragging him along with me. I marvel at the sight of the inside. "Woah...this is breathtaking." I whisper as Carter wraps his right arm around my waist. "It's nothing like I imagined. Kind of gives me Harry Potter vibes." Carter laughs lightly as we walk forward. "I always imagined as a child, getting married here." He whispers in my ear. I tense up slightly at the topic of marriage. "Yeah?" I smile lightly trying to mask it. He nods. "Are you okay? I shouldn't have bought it up." He rubs my back. "No, it's okay...I just...I haven't thought about marriage since Dimitri." Carter looks at me quietly, something flickers in his eyes. Is it sadness? "Carter..." He shakes his head. "It's fine. Let's just keep exploring." He says quietly walking away from me. I sigh following a few steps back, running my hand over the fine wood of the pew benches. The air between us turned tense quickly. 

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