I wrapped my arms around him, "Me too."

"I keep trying to ask myself, 'what would Oakley do?' and then I'm reminded that he's not here and that I don't know what Oakley would do."

"We will find him. He will find us." I tried to be supportive but I don't think my words meant much to him.

"But what if we don't? What if he's hurt? What if he's sick? What if he's-" he paused and then took a deep breath. "What if he's dead?"

"No, stop Oliver. He's not dead he's fine. I promise." I told him.

He stopped and looked over at me for the first time. He squinted his eyes and then turned his head at me like he was confused. "June are you feeling alright?"

No, I was feeling beyond stressed and worried for Oakley and Jenifer.

"Yes, I feel fine I guess, why?"

He stood up and then grabbed my arm. I looked down and I noticed that my arm was covered in what looked to be hives. Giant welts up and down both of my arms.

"Oh my god," I said, "I didn't even notice."

He put his hand on my forehead. "You're warm."

Great, just what we needed. Me to get sick.

The more I thought about it the more that my hives started to itch and the more dizzy I felt.

"Let's get you to lie down and I will go get Janae." Oliver helped me up and standing made the dizziness hit me like a train. Had Oliver not been there to catch me then I probably would have fallen right over. "Woah June, here I'll just carry you to your room."

I was too dizzy to argue with him. I was also itchy, super itchy and icky.

He scooped me up and placed me on the bed that Janae and I shared.

"I'll be right back with Janae." He started to head out before I called out to him. "Wait, Janae is trying to calm down Owen. I will be fine just wait. She needs to be with him more right now."

"No June, she needs to be with you more now. I can go with Owen, she needs to see this." Oliver then left to go get Janae.

The two of them walked back in not even a minute later. "June let me see."

I showed her my arms and then she took my temperature. "Well, June. Oliver was right you have a fever. Are the hives anywhere else?"

"I don't know, I didn't even know that I had them until Oliver pointed them out," I told her.

I then heard the door creek open and saw Owen standing in the doorway. He still had tear stains on his cheeks. "June are you okay?" He asked shyly.

"Yes, buddy she's okay. Why don't you and Oliver step out so that I can take a closer look at June." Janae told the two of them.

The boys left as Janae said. "Can you take off your dress and let me see if the hives are anywhere else on you?"

I didn't mind. Janae and I are literally twins so we have the exact same body.

She helped me sit up and remove my clothes only for us to find that the hives had in fact spread to almost every part of my body.

"Oh my god June. I've never seen something like this before on you or Oakley."

I shivered at the mention of his name. I had almost forgotten that he wasn't here.

I missed him more than anything.

"Do they hurt?" She asked.

"No, they are itchy but not that bad."

"Well that's good. If we were home I would go the the library and see what information I could find on something like this but I didn't bring any of my books because they would be to heavy to carry." Janae didn't know what to do and nither did I.

"Let me get some lotion to put on you and see if that helps."

She left and came back with some Aloe lotion and it definitely helped.

"Is it working?" She asked.

"Yes, it's not itching anymore. Thank you so much."

"That's great, now I brought you something for your fever." She handed me two pills and I took them.

"Why don't you go to sleep June, it's late and I'm sure that will help you feel better."

"Janae, how am I supposed to sleep without Oakley being here?"

She sighed, "well we all need to sleep no matter if Oakley is here or not. I'm sure that he will be back in the morning when you wake up." 


AN: Hi friends! I am so sorry for the long wait. I think that every June chapter gives me writers block for no go reason so I apologize that this chapter is so short. 

This chapter is dedicated to @Ginaa_76 who asked for it ever so kindly. I hope you enjoy it!! 

Much Love!

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