Chapter 2: Oliver

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I have a love-hate relationship with my life.

If you asked me if I loved living in a big castle with hundreds of servants at my need at all times and never having to go to school, get a job, or worry about paying bills, then yes, I adore my life.

If you asked me if I loved being the younger twin to Oakley, the second heir, not allowed any freedom, and constantly being told by my father that I am not good enough and that he wishes he never had me, then no, I hate my life.

My favorite thing about my life is definitely my brother and sisters. I would be completely lost and incredibly bored if I didn't have them.

The fact that mother and father are coming home today does not make me as scared as it probably should.

I honestly think both my parents hate me.

I was a little scared for Oakley though. He always gets in trouble for things he didn't do or had no control over. 

Father puts a lot of pressure on both of us but mainly on Oakley. He is the firstborn and the heir to the throne.

I'm second in line simply because Janae, even though she's older than me, is female and can't be in line.

Shame honestly. I just pray Oakley doesn't die before me or before he has a son old enough to take the throne before he dies because I do not want to be king. It's too much work.

Anyways, I have to wear my uncomfortable uniform today because our parents are arriving.

Oakley and I both had one, his is red and matched father. Mine is Blue, it's heavy as fuck.

It's thick and has gold all over it. It also has a place to hold my sword, making the suit ten times more heavy.

"I hate this damn thing," I said out loud while my brother and I were getting dressed.

"Oliver you better watch your mouth, father would have a fit if you used those words around him," Oakley fusses me.

"Whatever, I'll be fine," I respond and roll my eyes. He's not wrong but I'll be careful. I try to avoid conversation with my father at all costs anyway so I don't have much to worry about.

"Does this make me look hotter?" I say as I flex my muscles towards Oakley with a devilish grin on my face. 

"No, it makes you look tiny and insignificant in my presence," he says with a smirk and he comes next to me in the mirror and also flexes.

"Show off" I roll my eyes.

"So you agree that I'm stronger than you?"

"I said no such things, we both know who's really the better twin" I continue while putting on my shoes. 

"Whatever you say, brother, whatever you say" he shakes his head. 

We were interrupted by our sisters coming in and a slight sense of worry sparked in me when I remembered what was happening today. 


At Breakfast I took my spot next to Oakley and began to eat. 

Breakfast food is definitely my favorite food. 

I mean what's better than pancakes?

As I ate I could also feel the anxiety in the air. It was like a thick blanket that covered the room and I knew it was eating the four of us alive. 

"What time are they coming" Janae was the first to break the ice. 

The three of us looked to Oakley who sat at the head of the table.

"I believe sometime this morning. From what I have heard their train got to the station later last night than expected so they decided to come straight home rather than celebrate their return." 

When father and mother return from one of their trips they like to make it a big deal and parade around the country before coming home. 

Them coming in late last night also meant that they would be tired and upset. 

This was not good on anyone's behalf. 

AN: bro I forgot about this story again. Deepest apoliges but I highly doubt anyone actually reading this. I know personally I never read the AN and that I rarely read stories that are not completed. But alas if you are by some chance unlucky enough to stumble upon this story and actually read it, I really appreciate you. Love you <3

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