Chapter 15: Oakley

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Last chapter recap - Oliver

"You guys better start walking or I'm leaving you," he told me and Janae as we just stood still watching all this go down. June was trying to fight Oakley and get him to put her down but it was not working out well for her.

I grabbed the other bag and me and Janae followed.


I was so over this whole being on the run thing.

I was ready to get to this village as soon as possible.

I had put June down after she agreed to walk on her own but I could tell she was still mad at me.

Of course, I really didn't care if she was mad at me or not, all I cared about was getting to this village today before it got dark.

We were all disgusting. None of us had showered since we left and we all looked rough.

It was about mid-day and we needed a break.

Thankfully it is fall time right now and so we didn't have to worry about the heat or super cold weather.

"Why don't we stop here for a little bit?" I told everyone.

We were doing pretty well on time and I imagine that we will be at the village in a few hours.

"Oakley? Are you tired yet?" June was still on this.

I could be so tired that I was about to pass out but I would still never admit to my siblings I was tired.

I suppose I get this trait from my father training me to never show weakness and to be strong.

"No I'm fine but I think it would be best for everyone to rest and eat a little something before we finish up this trip. We should be at the village by the end of the day, we only have a few hours left."

I could see all their faces brighten with the thought of finally being in our new home.

We all sat down and ate in silence.

It was peaceful, all was well.

Minus the fact that we are now illegal runways to the king and queen and are probably on the world's most-wanted list right now.

"Oakley, I think it would be very beneficial to you to take a quick nap. There's no harm in it if we are already making good time. Besides, it will give all of us a break and you don't have to worry about keeping a watch because all three of us will be right here." Janae says, trying to be more reasonable than June.

"Janae, I have told you guys 100 times now that I am fine. I will sleep when we get to a safe place in the village. I promise that I'm not tired."  I told them.

In all honesty, a nap sounded pretty good right now but I would never admit that.

I decide to get up and start walking before they could argue with me anymore.


We could see the village.

We were on top of a hill and looking down on it.

"Let's run," June says.

I was surprised she said this because I had never really seen her run before.

"Let's do it," Oliver says and starts sprinting down to the bottom.

I follow all three of my siblings as we race down, excited to reach the bottom.

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