Chapter 3: Oakley

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"His Royal Highness, Prince Oakley James Price"

My own name frightens me sometimes.

It's impossible for people to understand what happens to me.

There are things about me that no one knows. Not even my best friends, my siblings.

I actually only learned recently that most siblings don't get along very well. Which I guess makes sense but then again my siblings are really the only people I know.

We have never left the castle. I assume one day we will.

Actually, I take that back, I know we will.

When I become king we can leave.

Of course, the issue is that I am not king yet.

Is it bad that if my father dropped dead right now I wouldn't be devastated?

Of course, I would never wish that upon my father but then again I would be more upset about having to take over the country and all those responsibilities than losing him.

When I was younger I looked up to him a lot.

Now I hate his guts. I was oblivious to his terror when I was younger.

After breakfast with my siblings, I left the dining hall and quickly tried to clear my head.

I headed out into our garden.

I suppose that's what you would call it but it's not all that.

It's a big square with 20 ft tall concrete walls and a few benches to sit on.

June and I were not allowed to be out here alone.

Our sickness is a never-ending curse.

June and I ruined all of our lives.

The four of us are not allowed to leave the castle because of our sickness.

Fear that we will catch a disease that will kill us.

Anyways I went and sat down outside on a bench. 

I always enjoyed sneaking out here alone when I was younger, it made me feel less confined. 

It still gives me a small sense of freedom but never enough to justify all that I've been through. 

This garden is still my favorite place to be although I don't know who loves it more, me or Janae. 

She's the one who planted most of the things here, though most of them die. 

Our home is up on a hill overlooking the country but it's covered in woods. Very little sunlight makes it to our little prison garden. 

"Your highness? Are you sure you should be out here alone?" My thoughts were interrupted by Anne, one of the head maids of the place. She raised me and my siblings more than our actual mother. 

"No ma'am, I apologize, I was just heading in" I stood up and made my way towards her. 

"Aw your highness, no need to call me "ma'am" or apologize, I was just checking." 

She was really sweet, defiantly old enough to be my grandmother, maybe even my great-grandmother. 

"And I've told you that there is no need for you to call me "your highness" but you never fail to do so," I say with a smile. 

"Well, you've got me there, your highness. I do believe though that your brother was looking for you" 

"Better go see what trouble he's causing" 

She laughed "Yes you better go do that" 

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