Chapter 16: June

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Last Chapter Recap - Oakley

We wove our way again back down the busy streets before we finally got back to the alley where we left our siblings in.

Only to find that neither of them were there and June's hat was lying on the ground, covered in blood.


It had only been 10 minutes since Oakley and Janae left and I was already hating being in the alley.

It was dark and smelt weird. There was trash on the ground and there are only so many bad jokes Oliver can make before I'm bored out of my mind.

We were standing their people watching when an older couple comes up to us. A man and a woman probably about 60 years old approached.

Oliver immediately pushed me behind him.

"Hello, there children, what are you two doing alone in the streets?" The man said getting closer to us.

I was a little scared of the people.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," the lady said coming up behind me trying to touch my hair.

"Excuse me, ma'am, please don't touch my sister," Oliver told the lady and pulled me completely behind him so that I had my back to the wall.

"Ahhhh, brother and sister? Twins I supposed, you both look exactly alike." The woman said while looking the two of us down.

I was getting nervous now, we were supposed to stay hidden and try not to get caught out here but getting recognized as twins within the first 20 minutes we had been in the city was not in our favor.

"Yes, ma'am now please back away from us," my brother said, he had his hand on his knife but I don't think the couple had seen it.

"Oh don't worry, we don't mean any harm, we are actually here to help." The lady said with a wicked smirk.

"We don't want any help we're good thank you," I said.

I don't think Oliver was very happy about me speaking because he then whispered into my ear for me to let him do the talking.

And for once I agreed that he should do the talking not me.

"Now now now, we just want to help you two kids get home safely, where are your parents my dears?" The lady had backed away a little but not enough for me not to feel comfortable.

"Our parents are at home we were just waiting on some friends before we head home for the evening but it's getting kind of late so we best be on our way. We don't want to keep our parents waiting." Oliver said trying to come up with a way to get us out of this.

"Ohhh!! So you guys have friends in the area!! Well, we would love to meet them," the man said.

"Well they are busy right now and we need to get going so have a nice day," Oliver said grabbing my arm and trying to get us out of there.

"Wait!" The woman said grabbing my other arm.

"Let her go right now" Oliver yelled at the lady. She had a rough grip on my arm, which was starting to hurt.

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