Part 66: Training Montage (Which I still dunno how to properly do lol)

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Roy: Yeah I guess that's true. So how do you wanna split us up?

Reed: Well I guess I'll pair with Yagyū here.

Roy: So I'm with Asuka.

Asuka: Woohoo!

Roy: This feels like introverts vs extroverts.

Yagyū: I'm not sure if I should laugh or be irritated by what you said.

Reed: You can be both at the same time if you'd like.

Yagyū: Yes I think I would like that.

*They all start warming up, loosening their bones and muscles and getting ready to go head to head*

Reed: So? You two ready?

Roy: Ready as I'll ever damn be!

Asuka: Same here!

Yagyū: We won't hold back you know.

Asuka: And so will we!

Reed: Haha! We know that very well.

Roy: So who's doing the count-

Asuka: 3!

Yagyū: 2!

Reed: 1!

Roy: Wait hold on a moment- Nevermind. Go!

*The two pairs then rush at one another and strike each other with thier weapon of choice at the exact same time*

Reed: Roy! I'll end this tiebreaker right here!

Roy: Oh!? Is that so!? I think I'll be the one doing that!

Asuka: *Kicks Yagyū and Reed in the chest* Roy is not the only one you two have to worry about!

Yagyū: *Blocks her kick with her umbrella* Don't worry. I can deal with you.

Reed: *Dodges the kick* And I can deal with Roy! Have at us then!

Roy: Your both on then! *Dashes towards the both of them*

Asuka: Hey! Don't leave me out of this! *Rushes towards them alongside Roy*

Reed: *Pulls out his Katana in a swift motion and swings at Roy*

Roy: *Summons his trident and blocks his Katana* Too slow-

Reed: *Pulls his katana out and strikes Roy in the side*

Roy: Tsk! Still as good as ever-

Yagyū: *Kicks Roy in the side of the head* Again, don't forget about me.

Roy: Oof! *Rolls on the floor but quickly rebounds and stands up*

Asuka: And me too! *Kicks Reed in the stomach*

Reed: *Blocks her kick* Yeah, yeah. We know that.

*The four of them then continue on to fight each other in their area, growing in power with every time they clash with one another*

Reed: It's time we kick this into hyperdrive! *Charges up into U.I*

Roy: Two can play at that game. *Charges up into U.I*

Asuka: A- We can't even keep up with them anymore!

Yagyū: Then I guess we'll have to fight each other then. *Readies her umbrella*

Asuka: Yeah! Right! *Readies her swords* Here I come! *Dashes towards Yagyū*

Yagyū: The same here! *Dashes towards Asuka*

*The two pairs then clashed at one another for hours on end with their weapons and their hand to hand skills at their side, ready to win the match at the end of it until Reed and Roy ran out of steam and reverted back into their base forms*

Reed: *Panting* Geez, I'm winded. Yet still not out for the count.

Yagyū: *Wipes the dust and brushes the pain off* I can say the same for myself.

Roy: Good, cuz I ain't out for the count either!

Asuka: So am I! *Readies her swords*

Roy: *Readies his trident*

Reed: *Takes a deep breathe and readies his Katana*

Yagyū: *Readies her umbrella* Round 2?

Reed: Mhm. Let's do it.

Roy: Game on then!

*The four of them then continue to spar with one another until they eventually collapse out of exhaustion and in injuries*

Reed: So uh, a tie again?

Roy: Uh-huh. A tie it is.

Asuka: Hehe! I'm fine with that!

Yagyū: Yeah. I think I'm too tried to continue on anyway. Plus, I think I want to see Hibari again. I need to make sure she's okay.

Reed: Sounds like an overprotective sister thing you've got.

Yagyū: H-huh!?

Asuka: *Chuckles and laughs* Hahaha! That's true!

Yagyū: N-No it's not!

Roy: Sounds like it is true!

Yagyū: S-shut up. I'm just trying make sure that she's okay... *Stands up flustered and walks off*

Reed: Eh, okay. Whatever ya say. *Shrugs*

Asuka: Be careful!

Roy: Yeah for sure. Mike is pretty hard when it comes to his training!

--------To be continued...

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