Let the Games Begin..again

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Announcement: I have decided to change the title since My Hope was just a place filler as I couldn't come up with a title but since the story has progressed a lot I've finally been able to think of a title! If you guys hate the new title tell me and I'll switch it back!

After they shut the cameras off and hurried everyone off stage we were escorted back to our rooms. 

What a final night, I thought as I sat down on my bed. I looked out the window at the night sky that was lightened up by lights from city buildings. It was hard to believe that in just a few hours I would be savagely killing people again...people I've known for years and have even become friends with. 

This time the games would be different. I wasn't dealing with scared kids and only three districts with trained killers, this time I was dealing with twelve districts of trained killers. 

We had already devised a plan for when we arrived in the arena. I was too head to the cornucopia and grab my weapons and take out as many tributes as I could while I was there so Finnick could get Peeta and Katniss to safety. I was then to head into the forest alone, while Johanna got the tributes Katniss wanted and Finnick got them away from others. 

Unfortunately my job required me to separate myself from Finnick almost the entire game. 

My job was to hide out in the forest and take down the remaining tributes who weren't allied with us or the careers. Which would mainly be the victors who won their games by hiding or won with little to no killing. 

I took a deep breath trying to use my remaining freedom to not think about the games. I took off my dress and took a long relaxing shower. The only thing I would miss about the Capital is its warm showers and lavender body wash.

After my shower I wasn't feeling tired so I decided to head out for a walk. I knew I should be getting the most sleep I could but despite how I acted, I was extremely nervous for the games. On my way walking laps around the complex I noticed someone sitting near the giant windows that overlooked the city. 

I walked towards them and took a seat next to them gazing out at the city lights. 

"Come up here a lot?" I asked, when he glanced at me. He shrugged. 

"Helps get my mind off things." I nodded understanding what Peeta meant. 

"You're welcome for the idea." I joked, I wanted to get his mind off the games. We deserved to at least smile before our ultimate deaths. He cracked half a smile. 

"It didn't work like I hoped." 

"I think it worked perfectly." I said, he glanced at me. "If there was anyone who wasn't your fan before tonight, they're definitely your fan now." 

"Popularity doesn't win the games." He said, looking away from me and back out at the city, "You can have the entire world root for you but when you're fighting for your life..." he looked back at me, "...it doesn't help you kill them." 

I stayed silent. He wasn't wrong..but how I wished he was. 

"You got any family back in twelve?" I ask trying to change the subject. 

He nodded hesitantly. "I have my parents and two brothers..but we're not that close." He looked up at me. "You?" 

I gave a somber smile. "It's just me and my dad left." I sighed remembering how my family was years ago. 

"You had a brother right?" 

I nodded. "He was more than a brother to me. He was my twin, my other half." I paused. "But the Capital took him away from me." 

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