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"Jeez, you've gotten good at hand to hand combat." Jase remarked as I finished another weapons simulator. I shrugged. 

"I was thinking, if we faced another tribute I would do the fighting while you can focus on the survival part of the game." He nodded. The head trainer told us all to gather around. 

"This evening we will assess your abilities privately. You will be ranked on a scale of 1-12." she said, "I advise you to choose your strongest ability as your score will impact sponsors. Good luck." 

The tributes scattered once more and headed back to their rooms to rest for the assessments. As we rode the elevator Jase leaned against the wall casually. 

"So what are you planning to show them?" I asked Jase. He shrugged. 

"Maybe I'll set up a trap or climb the rock wall." I frowned. Doing that wasn't going to impress the judges. "What about you? I suppose you'll show off your combat skills." I shrugged. 

"A simulator isn't much good unless I can beat it." 

"Ama, I've watched you practice in it. You nearly beat it every time." He says. 

"But i haven't yet." I said frowning as we reached our level and got off. "Plus,  if they're looking for strength they will see plenty of it from the careers." 

Jase sighed as I headed straight to my room. I sat down on my bed and thought through what I needed to do. Jase most likely will get an average or below average score. Meaning I need to score high or at least close to the careers if we wanted to get sponsored. 

I stood up unable to relax. I decided I would practice getting hit and getting back up quickly. I know it sounded dumb but considering my size I would mostly get hit by opponents easily. For the next 30 minutes I practiced falling and getting up to fight. 

I was glad no one came in because I would've looked stupid falling and getting up ready to punch someone. Just as I had started to relax on my bed again a knock was heard at the door. 

"It's time." I heard Jase say from the other side. I sighed and put my designated clothing on before walking with him. 

"Now the goal tonight is to impress the judges." Rain said as we headed into the living room. "You both need to bring your top game in order to receive scores sponsors will look at." 

"Do you think anyone will really sponsor us?" I asked. She gave me a sad smile. 

"I'm sure someone will." I nodded but I knew there were slim chances.

Zach walked out. "Alright, I suggest Jase focuses on more outside survival skills because-"

"my combat skills don't exist." he finished. I gave him a look. 

"Correct." Zach said, "Amaryllis you focus on combat skills or weapon skills. You should be able to get a fairly good score with it." I nodded and we stayed silent until Sal appeared deeming it was time to leave. 

When we arrived everyone was talkative and loud. It wasn't until the first tribute from District 1 was called that everyone shifted into silence. Minutes flew by as each tribute was called and either returned red from adrenaline or pale from worry. 

"Jase GreenShire, District 10." My head shot up as I heard his name. It reminded me of when his name was called at the reaping. He glanced over at me and I whispered good luck trying to give him a reassuring smile. 

When we returned he tried to give me a smile but could tell how anxious he was. He must've not performed well. 

"Amaryllis GreenShire, District 10." I stood up and tried to walk confidently into the room. When I opened the doors it revealed a large room full of different weapons. I looked around. There was a viewing area above. I assumed the people inside were the Gamemakers. One stood up to address me. I assumed he was the head gamemaker. 

A Tale of a Boy and His FlowerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz