The Capital

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I got up from my seat and joined Jase. I waved out the window of the train, already trying to gain popularity from Capital citizens. If I was going to get Jase home I needed people to like us. 

 When I walk out of the train, people pat me on the back and shoulders, trying to catch a better glimpse of me. My bright smile attracts a lot of attention and I already seem to be an early fan favorite.

Jase looks at me, slightly jealous. I lightly nudge him in the ribs and then we follow our escort and our mentors. 

"I like your confidence." Rain says, "You're smart enough to already know how to play the mind game." she gives me a long look. "You might have a chance of winning.  

"Don't be stupid." I said, "I'm 12, I'll most likely die during the bloodbath." I couldn't tell what her reaction was because I walked about and caught up to Jase who was walking alongside his mentor. 

We didn't have much time to marvel at the Capitals beauty as we were shoved into an elevator. We descended to the bottom level reaching the basement.  The Peacekeepers grabbed us and separated us between stylists. Separating from Jase caused a bit of anxiety as I assumed I was going to be with him until the games. 

I was shoved into a room with a tub. 

"Take off all your clothes and belongings." They instructed me. 

"What?" I said revolted. The stylists scoffed. 

"You're filthy and need to be cleansed and prepped." Considering I showered before coming here I thought I was perfectly clean, but I guess I wasn't according to Capital standards. I stripped down hesitantly. 

I then was hosed down like I would one of the pigs at home. The stylists were also not discreet about their snide remarks, before leading me into the tub.  Many hands grabbed me and scrubbed my skin raw. I didn't think I'd ever be this clean again. 

After I was deemed clean and pure I was given a gown to wear and was guided to a table. They placed a substance on my legs before immediately ripping it off. I winced in pain. They then proceeded to pluck my eyebrows and comb my hair. 

Some of the stylists marveled at the color but all I could think was them ripping away proof of my hardwork in my district. After a long while I was finally escorted into a room alone. 

After a few minutes of silence a man walked in. He immediately pulled me up from my chair and ordered me to spin. I complied not knowing what to do if i didn't. As I spun I could hear his disappointed clicks. 

When I was ordered to stop he reached his hand out and I shook it. 

"Caliser. I'm your stylist." 

"Amaryllis." I said. He motioned me to follow him outside. I followed down the hallway with my bare feet leading to another room. Jase was already there waiting next to a stack of fancy clothing. 

"Perfect!" Caliser said, "Two young tributes!" I didn't think that was good but he clearly disagreed. I took a seat next Jase relieved I was with him again. Caliser looked between us. 

"How unusual, you both look very similar." He said. I groaned. 

"We're twins." I said , getting annoyed with this man. 

"How interesting!" He said, "but now for my favorite part. The opening ceremonies." He gestured to the clothes beside us. 

"This ceremony is all about first impressions." A parade to the capital citizens, so they could place their bets. He could tell we didn't like this parade idea. But we knew that district 10 rarely gets any help so this would be essential if I wanted Jase to survive. 

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