Trying to survive

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I awoke when the sun rose. I sat up immediately. Jase was gone. He never woke me back up for my shift. I quickly got up and grabbed my weapons. I bolted outside and looked around. I couldn't see him anywhere. 

I wanted to shout his name but that could alert other tributes. 


My head raced. No. Please not Jase. 

"Tada!" Jase said proudly, appearing from the trees. He had a trap in hand as well as a squirrel. 

"You idiot!" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the cave. "You can't just run off like that! I thought that cannon was you!" He put his hand on my shoulder calming how panicked I was. 

"I'm sorry, I'll tell you next time." He said sincerely. "But..I did catch us some food!" It was hard to stay mad at him. Especially when he had gone through the trouble of getting us food and using a part of his shirt to bandage my head. 

We made a small fire in the cave so we wouldn't alert other tributes. 

"So how many are left?" Jase asked as we both devoured the squirrel. 

"18 last night. 17 this morning. 15 not including us." I said. He sighed. 

"Hopefully we can camp out here and wait for the Careers to get most of them or nature." I shook my head. 

"It won't be long before someone else finds this stream. Unless they found a different one, it won't be long before they show up thirsty." I said, "and I barely survived a 1 v 1 with them. I don't think I could take a 2 v 1 if they've formed alliances." 

"Hey, does it look dark to you?" Jase suddenly said. I gave him a confused look and looked outside the cave. Dark clouds had covered the sun. It was too early for sunset.. "You don't think the Gamemaker's created a storm, do you?" 

Thundered roared and winds picked up. 

"That's not an ordinary storm."  I said. Rain drops poured. Jase smiled. 

"Free water, alright!" He exclaimed before getting up to join in the rain. 

"Jase no!" I shouted grabbing him just as his hand left the shelter of the cave to feel the cool water. He screamed in pain as hot boiling acid burned away flesh, and blood replaced it. I pulled him back as he whimpered in pain. "You can't just run off! Things aren't normal here Jase. Anything can be poisonous or fatal." 

I scolded him as I grabbed his hand and poured water on it. He cried out from the pain. 


The rain immediately stopped. It had claimed the victim it wanted. 

"14," he whispered between heavy breaths. "only 14 left." I ignored his comment and ripped a piece of my shirt off with my ax to wrap his hand. For some reason he smiled. "Now we're injury buddies." 

I couldn't help but smile at his attempt to cheer me up. I hadn't felt even a small bit of happiness since the games started. But being with Jase lifted my spirits. 


We spent 1 and half days in the cave recovering from our injuries. Because of the acid rain, the stream couldn't be used for at least another few hours. We had been lucky that no one had found this stream or cave yet. The only new death being from the rain- District 8 female. 

"We should leave before someone shows up." I said. Jase nodded. 

"Yeah, we've been lucky no one has found us." He responded. "Plus there hasn't been a death for  a while. The Capital is probably getting bored, meaning the Gamemakers will do something soon for entertainment." 

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