The Downfall

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Peeta was the only thing keeping me from insanity. 

Snow had allowed me and Peeta to talk to each other through the vents in the rooms. It wasn't how I hoped to see him but it was better than not knowing if he was okay. 

He normally would ask me to tell stories about District 10 and then I would tell him about Jase. I would also tell him stories about Haymitch, which seemed to brighten his spirits a bit. Until today. 

Everyday he would be taken and given some sort of torture. Except his didn't evolve physical hurt. He never came back with wounds. 

"Amaryllis," He said when he came back today. His voice was weak and he sounded sad. "I think they're messing with my mind." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Whenever they take me they give these injections...I'm afraid of what they're going to do to me." His voice was shaking and he sounded on the verge of tears. 

The Capitol had changed us all. 

I put my hand against the vent and I felt him do the same. 

"They'll never change you. I won't let them." I said softly. "I promise."

Just then the door to my room swung open. They hadn't taken me for torture since the dogs. Snow had at least upheld that promise. Peacekeepers flooded the room and grabbed my arms pulling me up from the ground. 

"Amaryllis?" I heard Peeta say through the vent panicked. 

"Let go of me!" I said trying to get out of their grip. 

The peacekeepers dragged me from my room past the other cells. I had never been in this part of the building. I had also been kept in solitude confinement until now. The cells had a clear glass wall and I could see straight through them. 

Johanna had a scowl on her face as normal but all her hair was gone, and new scars covered her thin, pale body. I saw Annie. She was huddled in a corner covering her ears muttering to herself. I felt a deep anguish over her. She had already lost her mine and I couldn't imagine what this was like for her. 

The peacekeepers dragged me through the hall into a dressing room. Stylists began to fawn over me. Well, not really. They only changed my clothes and combed my hair. I guess Snow was tired of hiding the scars. 

The peacekeepers brought me from that room back into the interview room. Snow was waiting for me there. 

"Thought I was banned from interviews." I said. Snow gave a smile. A smile that reminded me of a snake. 

"I've decided to give you a second and final chance." He motioned for me to sit down in the chair. I decided it was in my best interests to follow. Caesar was already in his seat but there was a third seat as well. 

Perhaps for Snow? 

There was a screen in front of me to read off of. 

Just then there was a commotion at the door. Peacekeepers were dragging someone else through the doors. 

"Peeta?" I said his name softly as I couldn't believe it. They were going to have us interview at the same time. This must be how Snow would keep me in check. He thought I wouldn't dare risk Peeta's life by defying. 

Peeta made eye contact with me and took the third seat. Caesar looked like he didn't want to be here anymore. 

"Live in three, two, one!" The cameraman counted. 

Caesar didn't bother with an introduction. Everyone watching knew what the interview was for and who was being shown. 

"Miss GreenShire do you have anything to say about the rebellion?" Caesar asked. I looked at the screen and at the words. I didn't want to say them but I saw Snow looking at me from the corner of my eye. I couldn't let him hurt Peeta. 

A Tale of a Boy and His FlowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora