Bards can be troublesome

Start from the beginning

However, all good things must come to an end however, and so it did.


I let out a sigh of defeat.

Venti POV


I called cheerfully, a collective sigh rang around the room causing my smirk to grow.

"I suppose it's only fair for me to bless you all with a great tale! It's about me, obviously~"

I took a breath and began to speak.

If only I had my lyre...

"Hi! My name's Venti~ the pleasure is all yours~" I giggled in what I decided was a cute way "I'm kidding, it's always nice to have a captive audience! I'm a bard if you didn't know and I love to use a lyre~" I said in a sing-song tone.

It seemed like the safest bet to just give them something I was good at without letting anything else on, however, my plan to act as ditzy as possible was cut off by some uncultured bastard.

"What's a bard?" He called out.

I paused.

I glanced at him in disbelief.

"What's a bard" I repeated "I'm a musician! I tell tales of heroism and woe through song! You get them at taverns all over?"

This may have proved a mistake but in my opinion I couldn't have seen it coming.

"That's not a job!" He jeered before pausing as I glared at him before I started to walk.

It's not like I'd hurt him! Just spook him a little!


This was stopped by the tall woman calling out to the class that we had to get started.

I paused and sat down before putting on an innocent smile and listening attentively.

Most of it was about dorms and stuff but suddenly my interest was picqued by the words.

"One hundred thousand points will be deposited into your school-issued phones-"


"-each point will be worth one yen-"

At this the class erupted but I was left stumped, yen? Not mora? I was certain everywhere in teyvat used mora... But.

If yen is like mora...

One hundred thousand...

I broke out in a grin

"Anything can be bought with points so-"

I looked up and called out to her at this new development.


She looked at me in surprise and a strange look of hope.

"Anything" she confirmed matter of factly.

"Can I buy wine?!" I questioned excitedly, my eyes wide with curiosity.

"Anything legal." She shut down with a face of absolute frustration.

Ughhhh... This dream sucks.

Well... I suppose I can't really pretend this is a dream anymore.

Pfft- of course I can~

I looked up again with a grin

"And how much for a date my fair lady~"

Once again the class fell quiet, Sensei's face grew dark and I heard a few boys mutter the word 'legend'.

I was joking of course, but even I was confused as the boy from before called out.

"Do you even like girls?"

Huh? Of course? Why would gender make any difference here?

"Um, yes?"

Ike was it? I vaguely heard his introduction earlier.

He soon continued.

"Well I mean you kinda look like you're into guys y'know"


That makes sense. I saw some of the class look at the boy with disgust at his lack of tact, while others were curious as to my response.

"Well I'm into both y'know?~" I giggled back.

Kushida quickly spoke up again.

"Um, Venti-san? Does that mean you're... Um, well?"

Oh my archons. This was an opportunity~

I grinned and my eyes twinkled with excitement before I got up and walked over to the boy who I'd tried to mess with on the bus, I'd said I would try and break his composure after all.

Two birds with one stone and all~

And so, with what was probably an action fueled by stupidity.

I kissed him, square on the lips.

His face barely showed surprise before I stepped back and blew a kiss before wandering over to kushida who was blushing and sputtering before doing exactly the same.

Apparently that was what broke the trance over the class.

"Dude what the fuck!?"

"You didn't even hesitate!"

"I wish it had been me..."

"What is wrong with you! Kushida-chans mine!"

I grinned a bright smile at the commotion, hopefully neither would catch feelings, anything more than a kiss would be creepy even for me~

My expression grew concerned as I began to realise,

Zhongli's gonna kill me if he hears about this.

Zhongli POV

I was trying to figure out how this so called 'phone' worked when I was interrupted by a door slamming open and a decidedly hungover teacher crashed through.

"One of my students told another one who told me so I went and looked and it was real and I'm here to tell-"

Her unpausing excitement was cut short by Mashima-sensei interrupting her.

"Hoshinomiya. What are you doing interrupting this?" He said in a tone that seemed both annoyed while also used to this behaviour, it reminded me of how many of the director's friends had been around her, I reminisced fondly.

"A cute girl kissed a boy AND a girl!"

She shouted out quickly.


A single thought shot through my mind.

Please, please don't be Venti.

I know he's feminine but surely he's not that-

"She had dyed braids and looked kind of foreign!" She panted out as she clung to the door.

Barely a moment later I was out of class and in the doorway of another, I hadn't planned to find Venti until we had some variation of break but CLEARLY that drunkard couldn't be trusted not to assault two highschool students.

I'm not even sure how old we're supposed to be here!

Why is he like this...


Yoohoo~ hope you're enjoying this, and hopefully this is a good chapter for all you.

I think this one was more light hearted so please tell me what style is better for the direction of the fic.

See you~

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