Chapter 13

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"No!" Minnow wailed, pressing her nose into her mother's fur. "No!" She could feel cats gathered around her, murmuring in shock and horror.

"Ashflower..." came Silverheart's disbelieving mew.

"What in StarClan's name happened?" Minnow heard Birchstar exclaim, hearing heavy pawsteps as he rushed to the scene. Minnow managed to lift her head to look at him; his amber eyes were wide with shock, locked onto Ashflower's body.

"I'm sorry," Minnow tried to say, but the words came out jumbled and incoherent.

"She saved Falconkit from the hawk," Nettlestep whispered, drawing Falconkit closer with a brown paw. Falconkit was trembling but there wasn't a scratch on his pelt.

Birchstar let out a heavy sigh, hanging his head sadly. He slowly approached Minnow and Ashflower, and dipped his head to the dead queen. "You served this Clan until your last breath," he murmured. "May you find peace among the stars."

"Ashflower?" A new voice sounded, coming from the camp entrance, belonging to Sootpaw. The apprentices and their mentors were returning, and wails of grief and shock erupted from Ripplepaw, Sootpaw, and Amberpaw as they rushed over.

"Ashflower!" Ripplepaw cried, crashing into his mother's body. Minnow scrambled to her paws and stepped away from them, her breaths coming in short gasps.

"What happened?" Amberpaw whimpered, looking at Minnow with pain on her face.

"I'm sorry," Minnow managed as she met her sister's gaze.

"Sorry?" Amberpaw seemed confused. "What happened?" she repeated. When Minnow didn't answer, the tortoiseshell apprentice joined her brothers as they sobbed at their mother's flank, shaking with shock and grief.

Minnow took an uneasy pawstep backwards, unsure of what to do. Her mind was blank, numb, and all she was aware of was Ashflower's lifeless body in front of her.

Meanwhile, the rest of RiverClan had gathered around, heads hanging in sorrow. Birchstar at last spoke up. "Ashflower gave her life for the most precious thing in the forest: one of our kits. She died a warriors' death, and she will always be remembered."

Minnow felt her legs buckle beneath her, as if she was unable to support her own body, and she crumbled to the ground. Nightwhisper approached the three apprentices. "They're in shock," he said simply. He looked at Minnow, inconsolable on the ground. "They all are."

"I'll get them some poppy seeds," Silverheart mewed, a sad edge to her voice, and she turned and stepped into her den. A moment later she returned, a leaf clamped delicately in her jaws, and approached Minnow. "Here, eat these," she said softly, pushing a few tiny black seeds off the leaf towards Minnow. Numb, Minnow lapped them up. She was vaguely aware of Silverheart padding away towards Ripplepaw, Sootpaw and Amberpaw, and even less aware of Nightwhisper as he herded her and the apprentices into the medicine den. She must have laid down in a nest, because before she knew it, everything around her faded to black.

Everything felt heavy as Minnow slowly pulled out of slumber. Her pelt, her eyelids, the air around her, all dragged her down and it felt like she was being crushed under a pile of stones. She struggled to open her eyes a fraction, and through the blurred veil of her vision she could tell that she was in the medicine den, and she was alone. The golden-brown glow of dusk shone in through the entrance and Minnow sat cat-shapes huddled in the center of camp. In an instant, everything came back to her, the memory and the grief that followed it. Ashflower was dead.

"You're finally awake." Silverheart poked her head through the entrance to the den, speaking softly. There was sorrow in her eyes, but also a motherly sort of love and sympathy. She padded in and sat down next to Minnow as she hauled herself heavily to her paws. Silverheart was quiet for a moment, then she let out the softest sigh. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "Ashflower was an amazing cat."

All Minnow could do was nod, staring at her speckled silver paws. She still couldn't believe that her mother was dead, so soon after her father.

"We're about to start the vigil," Silverheart meowed. "You should come out and sit with us. Ashflower would want that."

As much as Minnow wanted to just curl back up in her nest and sleep forever, she knew Silverheart was right. It would be horrible of her to not sit vigil for her mother. She shambled after Silverheart as the medicine cat led her out into the camp, where darkness was descending and the stars glittered above in the clear sky. Cats turned to look at Silverheart and Minnow, their gazes sympathetic, but Minnow didn't look at any of them. Silverheart nudged her towards the front of the Clan, where her siblings were gathered around Ashflower's body. The silver tabby queen's pelt was neatly groomed, and she was arranged as if she was sleeping, with beautifully scented herbs tucked delicately around her.

Minnow expected the faces of Ripplepaw, Sootpaw, and Amberpaw to be hateful and distrusting, but they were soft and grieved. Don't they blame me? She was able to form that one coherent thought. This has to be the curse. There's no other explanation. She sat down next to the three apprentices, and the Clan sat vigil for Ashflower. Minnow's mind was numb as she stared at her mother's body for what seemed like forever, never once drifting into sleep. She gazed helplessly at Ashflower long into the night and until the pink glow of sunrise lit the horizon. It was only then that she became aware of the weariness that tugged at her pelt, and she found it difficult to fight as morning came.

Too soon, she thought, the vigil ended, and Troutleap and Nightwhisper approached Ashflower's body, gazing down solemnly. Most of the Clan had risen and stepped back already, but Minnow, Ripplepaw, Sootpaw, and Amberpaw remained at their mother's side, reluctant to leave. "It's time," Troutleap murmured softly, sympathy in his blue eyes. The three apprentices looked up at the elder helplessly, and for a moment they looked like kits again. Minnow begrudgingly stood, and her siblings followed, their eyes not leaving Ashflower's body as the elders took her away for burial. As they disappeared past the camp entrance, Sootpaw buried his face in Minnow's chest, much to her surprise. Ripplepaw and Amberpaw followed, pressing their pelts against Minnow's as well. They don't think it was my fault, she thought. She rested her muzzle on Sootpaw's gray head, letting out a sigh as she shared a moment with her siblings.

There was silence in the camp, as if the cats of RiverClan were hesitant to start their day, even though the sun was fully up. At long last, the apprentices broke away from Minnow, looking tired and saddened. Despite the circumstances, Minnow was so glad that she wasn't alone right now. She suddenly remembered Ashflower's last words, and stopped the apprentices as they turned towards their den. "She loved you," Minnow said softly to them, looking at the ground. "She wanted me to tell you that."

Their eyes flashed with gratitude and love, and they disappeared into the apprentice's den to sleep. Suddenly, Minnow did feel alone, and exposed and vulnerable, sitting in the middle of camp. She felt eyes on her but she didn't turn to meet them. Before she could move, she saw a flash of dark gray, and Tawnyclaw stroked his tail along her back. Minnow leaned into him, whispering, "What am I supposed to do?"

Tawnyclaw rasped his tongue over Minnow's ears. "Get some sleep," he said simply. "You'll feel better when you wake up."

Minnow hoped he was right, but she also knew that no amount of sleep could wipe her grief away. She turned towards the empty warriors' den as Tawnyclaw began to organize patrols. She briefly caught Apollo's gaze, his amber eyes soft and sad. It looked like he was going to come over to Minnow, but she pushed into the warriors' den before he could. She still felt rotten for the way she had treated him, and she wasn't sure she was strong enough to face him now. She wasn't sure she was strong enough to do anything.

Minnow curled up in her nest, tucking her nose under her tail, trying to make herself as small as possible. She'd only been back in RiverClan for a short time, and after missing out on so many moons with her mother, it seemed so unfair for Ashflower to leave her. There was a hole in her heart now, and Minnow was scared that somehow, she had caused her mother's death. Time would tell if the curse had returned, but she knew that that would mean more deaths. With a heavy sigh, Minnow welcomed the heavy sleep that was beckoning her, and she let darkness wash over her and take her away.

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