Chapter 9

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 After their meeting with Berrystar, the RiverClan patrol left Fourtrees, their expressions grim. Minnow was glad that they weren't alone in the fight, but she also wasn't sure exactly what kind of fight they were up against. None of them spoke as they left the Gathering hollow, but Minnow could tell by looking at her companions that they were just as uneasy as she was. They could only hope that it would be over soon, once the Trial began.

As Birchstar led them away from Fourtrees, he began to veer away from Sunningrocks towards ThunderClan territory. "Where are we going?" Silverheart was the first to ask.

Birchstar kept his eyes forward. "I'd like to talk to Duskstar," he replied. The rest of the patrol nodded as they carried on. Minnow was surprised when Birchstar didn't even pause at the border; he simply pressed on into the near-suffocating thickness of oak trees. Minnow knew the situation was dire, but all of this was making her worried. Nothing is the same, she thought as the patrol padded through the trees. The warrior code itself is in danger of falling apart.

Not long after, Minnow could scent and hear ThunderClan cats up ahead, and she knew they were close to their camp. She had never been here before, but as they scrambled clumsily down the ravine entrance after Birchstar, she was a little surprised that it wasn't all that different from the RiverClan camp. Once they were past the gorse thicket, she could make out the dens and could tell which cats each one belonged to; she caught the pelt of Mosswhisker and Frostmuzzle outside a hollow log that appeared to be the elders' den, and she recognized Dawnpelt and Goldshine near the medicine den. A massive lichen-covered rock in the middle of their camp immediately stood out as Duskstar's den, and she could see the fluffy gray tom just beyond, talking to Stormspots.

There was a strange air in the ThunderClan camp that worsened as the ThunderClan cats spotted their patrol. Duskstar spoke a few more quick words to Stormspots before moving quickly towards Birchstar, his ears half-flattened as he approached. "What are you doing here?" he hissed, looking over his shoulder at his warriors. Minnow could see Oakfoot, Pinefeather, Rainfleck, Foxclaw, Skystream, Breezetail, and Darkpelt standing around, all looking incredibly anxious, then she realized what they were doing; they were each guarding one of the traitors. With all of those cats busy watching them, ThunderClan would be defenseless in an attack.

Birchstar dipped his head to Duskstar. "I promise we're not here to fight, or to cause any alarm in your camp."

Duskstar didn't look convinced, and he cast another unsure glance around his camp. "Let's go outside," he meowed. He led them back up the ravine, and the sharp rocks dug into Minnow's soft paw pads as she climbed ungracefully upwards.

Once outside, Duskstar sat, looking annoyed, and the RiverClan patrol sat as well. "So what is it?" Duskstar asked impatiently. "No offense, but you're the last cats that should be traipsing through ThunderClan territory right now." His tail lashed angrily, but his face was more fearful than upset.

"I wanted to talk to you about the Trial," Birchstar said. "Rainfleck said you want to wait until after the next Gathering? That's over a half moon away!"

Duskstar sighed heavily. "I know it is," he replied. "But your Clan needs to recover. I know you don't want to show it, Birchstar, but your Clan is weaker than you're willing to admit."

Minnow felt a wave of anger roll off Birchstar. "My Clan is well enough to see this through," he said, his voice unwavering.

"Your Clan might be, but mine isn't!" Duskstar nearly cried out. "Did you see them in there? ThunderClan has nearly crumbled! I only have one warrior not guarding a traitor, and my apprentices are struggling to keep up with Clan duties! Most of my warriors are forbidden to even leave camp! And can you imagine how shaken everyone is after learning that their friends and family tried to take over RiverClan?"

The RiverClan patrol was silent for a few moments while Duskstar's words sank in. Minnow suddenly understood his point of view; RiverClan wasn't the only Clan suffering in the wake of the Sunningrocks battle, and she could only assume that WindClan was having the same issues as ThunderClan. She couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

It seemed that Birchstar saw it that way as well. "Okay," he said simply. "I'll wait that long. But no longer." There was a silent threat in his mew.

"And your borders will be undisturbed in the meantime," Duskstar added. "We can barely patrol as is. I wish you all well in healing." Without waiting for a response, the ThunderClan leader turned sharply and disappeared back into the ThunderClan camp, and Birchstar also wasted no time in leading Minnow, Tawnyclaw, and Silverheart back towards Sunningrocks and their territory beyond.

The walk back to camp was swift and silent, and Minnow was conflicted. She understood Duskstar's plight, but unease was eating at her as she thought of having to wait so long for the Trial. Her worries were short-lived, however, as they neared the camp and heard a sudden wail from within. The patrol sped into a run and burst into the camp to see the cats of RiverClan crowding around anxiously, eyes all pointed towards something. Minnow's heart pounded; it had sounded like someone was hurt, but who?

Pushing to the front of the crowd, Minnow's eyes flew wide open as she saw Poppywhisker writhing on the ground in pain, yowling and, to Minnow's horror, bleeding. Nightwhisper was shambling from the medicine den as quickly as possible, but Silverheart was faster, rushing to the brown warrior's side.

"What's wrong with her?" came Cinderfrost's panicked voice. She and Redblaze rushed to their sister's side.

Nightwhisper finally made it to Poppywhisker, and Silverheart had a paw on her flank, face scrunched in confusion. "She's kitting!" she meowed, sounding shocked.

Everyone recoiled in shock, and Poppywhisker let out another yowl of pain. "That's not possible!" she managed through gritted teeth. "I didn't even know I was expecting!"

"They're far too early!" Nightwhisper mewed. Silverheart raced away from Poppywhisker into the medicine den, returning just as quickly with a jawful of herbs.

"Who's the father?" Cinderfrost asked, her face panicked.

Poppywhisker was still bleeding onto the ground, and she let out a heavy groan as she gasped, "Beechclaw!"

Murmurs rippled throughout the crowd of gathered cats, and Minnow felt a pang of sadness. If Poppywhisker had been unaware that she was going to have kits, then Beechclaw hadn't known either. Now the young warrior wasn't even here to become a father.

"Get back! She needs space!" Silverheart yowled to her Clanmates. Everyone stepped back and Minnow watched fearfully as Silverheart got to work, with Nightwhisper looking on. The scent of blood and fear hung heavy in the air, and Minnow could see painful spasms wracking Poppywhisker's body as the young queen wailed in pain. Her movements grew smaller and weaker, and after an agonizing amount of time, her head hit the ground and she stopped convulsing. Minnow sucked in a breath, afraid.

Silverheart slowed to a stop, breathing raggedly. The Clan started to press closer again, and Minnow let out a shaky sigh as she saw that Poppywhisker's flank was still rising and falling, though her breaths were slow and shallow. At her flank were five tiny, screaming, bloody kits, and the grass beneath Poppywhisker was stained red.

Birchstar padded forward to Silverheart's side. "Is she okay?" he asked softly, his voice tight and strained.

After a moment of hesitation, Silverheart gave a small nod. "She can't be moved," Minnow heard her say. "She's lost a lot of blood, and if we take her to the nursery now, we could lose her. She's very weak."

Redblaze leaned down to nuzzle Poppywhisker's cheek, and Cinderfrost pressed her body against her brother's. Poppywhisker had passed out, and suddenly Minnow was afraid that she wouldn't wake up. She could tell everyone else was afraid of that too, especially by looking at Silverheart and Nightwhisper's faces.

Silverheart sighed wearily, sitting back. She looked at Birchstar, pain and fear alight in her green eyes. "She'll have to stay out in the open until she can move, but I'm afraid none of them might make it through the night."

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