Chapter 3

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 Birchstar dismissed the Clan, and Minnow found herself with Apollo in the middle of the camp, feeling awkward and unsure of what to do. She looked around, picking out the pelts of familiar cats. Nettlestep and Sorrelstream were returning to the nursery, and Pebblestep was leaving to make her way towards Mudpelt. Poppywhisker and Cinderfrost had joined Redblaze, who touched noses with each of his sisters, then turned his head and met Minnow's gaze. He said a few words to them before padding over, stopping in front of Minnow. He was far taller and larger than he was when Minnow had last seen him, and there was a new air about him, far different than the excitable apprentice he'd been. His broad shoulders showed strength, each pawstep was deliberate and confident, and his eyes held the determination and courage of a true warrior.

"Hey," Redblaze said awkwardly, shuffling his paws. He straightened his shoulders and went on. "I just wanted to say that it's good to see you again. And," he hesitated, "I'm sorry."

Minnow couldn't hold back the purr that rose in her throat. "You don't have to apologize," she said sincerely, swishing her tail. "It's good to see you, too."

A glimmer of happiness shone through the weariness in Redblaze's green eyes, and he turned to Apollo. "My name is Redblaze," he introduced himself. "Thank you for coming to fight for us; you fought well."

Apollo dipped his head to Redblaze. "Thank you," he meowed. "I'm glad I was able to help."

Seeming satisfied with the interaction, Redblaze turned to walk away. As he did, he added to Apollo, "RiverClan welcomes you."

Minnow's heart swelled with happiness; part of her was still surprised that RiverClan had overcome their hatred towards her. She could only wonder what had transpired in her old Clan while she had been away. She looked around once more, seeing Twigtail conversing with Birchstar, Troutleap entering the elders' den, and Ripplepaw, Sootpaw, and Amberpaw crowding around Bristlepelt's body with Ashflower. Minnow was astounded at the sight of her siblings; she had seen them during the battle but hadn't paid much attention to them through the fighting. They had only been a few moons old when she fled the Clan, but now they were well into their apprenticeship, and they all bore wounds from the battle. She could hardly believe they were the same kits she had once loved so dearly. Ripplepaw's lean frame was supported on very tall legs, and Sootpaw's patchy gray and black pelt had remained exactly the same, though his tail had grown thick and fluffy. Amberpaw's tortoiseshell fur was so shiny it nearly reflected the sunlight, and the distinctive bright orange patch of fur on her chest looked like the sun. Minnow wondered if they remembered her at all.

Minnow was torn from her thoughts at the sight of Sorrelstream bounding towards her. She touched her nose to Minnow's, and her fur smelled like milk. "Thank you so much," she breathed. Pulling away, she said to the pair of them, "You should go get seen by the medicine cats. Nearly everyone else's wounds have been tended to."

Minnow nodded. "We'll do that now," she replied. Sorrelstream walked away, and Minnow led Apollo towards the medicine den, where Nightwhisper and Silverheart were working outside the entrance. Scattered piles of cobwebs, herbs, and berries surrounded the two medicine cats, who had clearly been working tirelessly to treat their Clanmates. Cloudsplash was sitting still while Nightwhisper slathered a poultice of marigold on his flank, and Silverheart passed him a pawful of cobwebs to cover the wound.

"Come see us in the morning to have that redressed," Nightwhisper instructed the black and white warrior, who nodded slowly, sadness glazing his eyes. Minnow was shocked at how old Nightwhisper looked and sounded; his voice had a rasp to it now, and white fur flecked his muzzle. As he turned away, Minnow saw that his movements were slow. She supposed the medicine cat had quite a few moons behind him.

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