Chapter 7

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 Sleeping in the warriors' den again with so many other cats proved to be difficult for Minnow, and despite the warmth and comfort of Apollo's pelt against hers, she tossed and turned for much of the night. She wished she could sleep as easily as Apollo, but she had grown too accustomed to having her own separate nest, and having space to herself. It was not yet sunrise when Minnow found herself wide awake, and she sighed heavily as she looked at the still-dark sky through the roof of the den.

Rising to her paws, Minnow was careful to not wake any cats around her. She looked at Apollo's sleeping form, curled up next to her with his paws drawn to his chest, and purred before tiptoeing around the other warriors and out of the den. The camp was dark and quiet, and there was a layer of dew over the ground. The air was cool, but Minnow knew it would get hot once the sun was up, so she was happy to enjoy the coolness now.

Looking around, Minnow saw Mudpelt standing guard near the camp entrance, tail swishing slowly as he watched the forest beyond. His shoulders sagged a little, and Minnow knew that he must be tired. Even though his injuries were healing so slowly, he had insisted on taking the watch and not giving up any of his warrior duties. Minnow padded over to him, and he looked up as he heard her approach, his gaze understanding. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked.

Minnow shook her head and sat down. "I guess I have to get used to being around so many cats again," she admitted. "It's kind of a big change."

Mudpelt nodded, looking away to stare at the sky for a few moments. Minnow couldn't tell what he was thinking. After a while, he said, without meeting her gaze, "I don't blame you for not coming back." Though he wasn't looking at her, Minnow could see pain in Mudpelt's yellow eyes. "Even despite the curse, we didn't act like a Clan towards you. What you found outside the forest was far better than what you had here. We treated you so horribly." He finally turned back to her. "I hope you know that I'm not that same hateful cat anymore. I regret everything I ever said to you, and I hope that we can be friends again."

Minnow admired his raw honesty, and she believed him. It was clear that he had changed; since her departure, he had mentored a fine warrior, and she couldn't imagine how he was feeling since the loss of his apprentice. And he had become a father as well, so now he had Rainkit and Lilykit to raise and protect. "Thank you," she meowed sincerely. "We've all changed, and I think we should be able to put the past behind us and move forward. RiverClan has many trials ahead."

Mudpelt looked relieved at her words, and he purred. The two sat in silence for a while longer before Minnow told him, "You can go sleep now. I'll take over for you." Blinking gratefully, Mudpelt limped away to the warriors' den, putting as little weight on his injured leg as possible. Once he was gone, Minnow watched the sky. Dawn was just a little while off now, and she was enjoying the silence in camp while no other cat was awake. It allowed her to clear her mind, which was usually so full of thoughts and worries.

Before long, the sun peeked over the horizon, and with perfect timing Birchstar stepped out of his den, stretching from ears to tail-tip. He spotted Minnow at the camp entrance and came over to her, dipping his head in greeting. "You finished the watch?"

Minnow nodded. "Mudpelt was tired, and he needs to rest so his injuries can heal."

Birchstar's gaze was proud. "You're a very selfless cat, Minnow," he meowed. "Everything you've ever done has been for the good of others, and for the good of RiverClan. I want you to know that I trust you fully."

"Thank you, Birchstar," Minnow replied.

Birchstar paused for a moment, then added, "I have something to ask of you. I won't pretend to know what RiverClan is going to face in the next few moons, but I do know that I want you by my side during all of it, you and Tawnyclaw both, as well as the medicine cats. I trust every cat in this Clan but somehow I know I need specific cats by my side, to help me." He sighed. "I can't do this alone, but I'm glad to know that I don't have to."

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