Chapter 5

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"And this is the Twoleg bridge. We use it to cross the river to Fourtrees when the water is too high to safely cross."

    After a long, refreshing nap, Minnow and Apollo had awoken rejuvenated, and had set off to explore RiverClan territory. Everything was exactly as Minnow remembered, except for the evidence of the battle. She had shown him the Dirtplace, the training area, and the best places to find reeds for bedding and neat shells and pebbles for kits. Now they had come to the river, which Apollo was already familiar with, and they were almost finished with the tour.

    "So you don't always swim across?" Apollo asked, looking at the strange Twoleg structure.

    Minnow shook her head. "Not when the river is swollen with rainwater. We aren't too proud to use the bridge. And it's safer for elders and younger apprentices."

    The two set off again, wandering leisurely along the water's edge, feeling the warm greenleaf breeze ruffling through their fur. The river flowed lazily next to them, its crystal clear water lapping the bank. "It's a beautiful territory," Apollo murmured, looking around at the willows and cattails swaying in the breeze.

    "It is," Minnow replied, sighing contentedly. "I never thought I'd get to see it again."

    Apollo turned to look at her. "Are you glad you came back?" he asked.

    Minnow hesitated, then nodded. "I am," she meowed. "I mean, it's a big change, and I miss Jay and Smokey, but this is where I need to be." She hadn't yet told Apollo what Frostfoot had told her, that the four Clans would need her in the next few moons. She wasn't sure what to make of it anyways; why would every Clan need her? She knew she would be able to help RiverClan, but the way she saw it, the other Clans would be fine on their own.

    "I miss Storm and Rose," Apollo added, purring with amusement. "They're good kits."

    Minnow nodded. "They are." She thought of the nursery in the RiverClan camp; she knew there were five kits in there, and she had yet to meet any of them. "We should go see Sorrelstream sometime."

    Purring, Apollo said, "I'd like that." Tails entwined, the two continued along the river, and soon they heard voices coming from up ahead. As they drew closer, Minnow recognized Twigtail's deep mew.

    "That must be the hunting patrol," she observed. As she and Apollo were leaving camp, Tawnyclaw had been organizing the sunhigh patrols. Sure enough, Twigtail's patrol was belly-deep in the river, scouting for fish. Mudpelt was on the Sunningrocks side, and Cinderfrost was diving in the deeper portion of the river. Twigtail was fighting to keep Ripplepaw under control. Since Sweetstripe's death, Birchstar had assigned the senior warrior as Ripplepaw's new mentor.

    "Hold still!" he hissed to his apprentice. "You'll scare off every fish here!"

    "Sorry," Ripplepaw meowed, shrinking down a little. But the mischievous spark remained in his deep blue eyes, and Minnow couldn't keep her whiskers from twitching. Her little brother was the most excitable apprentice she'd ever seen, and she thought that his antics might cause Twigtail to retire early.

    "'Sorry' doesn't fill hungry bellies," Twigtail scolded, then his demeanor softened. "Try again." Minnow remembered that the senior warrior, though tough and strict, had a soft spot for his apprentices. She had seen it when he mentored Sorrelstream.

    Ripplepaw slowed his movements, creeping smoothly through the water, pausing over a deeper part of it. He raised his silver paw, steadied his long tail, and in a flash dipped his paw into the water and scooped out a fish.

    "That's it!" Twigtail exclaimed. "Good catch!"

    Minnow purred as she watched the scene, and Apollo nudged her. "Did you ever get to have an apprentice?" he asked.

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