Chapter 8

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The cats of RiverClan watched as Rainfleck and Sparrowpaw departed, and almost as soon as they were gone, Twigtail exclaimed, "What?"

    Cinderfrost was quick to speak as well. "They want to wait so long? That's ridiculous!"

    "Yeah, we need to do something about it now!" came Cherryheart's aggravated voice.

    "Who knows what those cats might plan to do in the meantime?" Reedtail's voice was worried. "They might attack us again!"

    "Silence!" Birchstar called loudly over the commotion, jumping onto the meeting rock. His tail lashed as he looked over at his Clan. "I know you're angry about it, and I can't say I blame you. I, too, would like to do something sooner. But right now we must take things one step at a time. I want you all to resume as normal; Tawnyclaw, organize the morning patrols." Tawnyclaw gave a firm nod. "Twigtail, Redblaze, and Poppywhisker, get your apprentices back on their training schedule. I'd like you to take Apollo with you as well; we've arranged for him to do a little training with you. I know Minnow taught him how to fight, hunt, and swim, but it will be good for him to learn in the setting of our territory." None of the mentors or apprentices seemed to have a problem with this, and Minnow assumed that was what Birchstar and Apollo had talked about the day before.

    Birchstar carried on. "We also need to keep repairing the camp, and I know the herb stores are probably beginning to run low. We have a great deal of work to do, so for now I'd like to focus on that. You're all dismissed." As the Clan broke up, he added, "Tawnyclaw, Minnow, Nightwhisper, and Silverheart, I'd like to see you all in my den."

    Tawnyclaw quickly rattled off cats' names for the patrols before heading to Birchstar's den, and Minnow followed close behind. She ducked in behind her old mentor and sat facing Birchstar. Soon Nightwhisper and Silverheart had joined them. "Are you going to meet with Berrystar?" Nightwhisper asked.

    Birchstar nodded to the old medicine cat. "Yes, I am. I'm not sure what she wants to talk about, but from the lack of information she gave, I can only assume it's private information. I'd like you all to come along." Once again, Minnow felt a surge of pride that she was being chosen for this task.

    Tawnyclaw spoke up. "We'll be leaving the camp a little vulnerable, won't we? Surely we can't all go?"

    "I won't be going," Nightwhisper cut in. Everyone looked at him, confused, and he said, "It's getting harder for me to go such long distances, and it won't feel right to leave the Clan without a medicine cat." He looked at his apprentice. "Silverheart can go, but I should remain here."

    Birchstar nodded. "I think that's a good idea. We'll leave a little before sunhigh."

    The time to leave came quickly, and Minnow soon found herself at the camp entrance with Tawnyclaw and Silverheart. All the cats who were out patrolling and training had returned, and Birchstar was addressing the Clan again. "I'm leaving Twigtail in charge," he said, gesturing to the senior warrior. "I doubt there will be any trouble from the other Clans, but all the same, be on guard. If anything happens, know that you can do whatever is necessary to defend the camp." His tone was grim, and Minnow knew he meant every word; warriors didn't need to kill to win battles, but if RiverClan was threatened again, the traitors would be shown no mercy.

    Birchstar led the patrol quickly through RiverClan territory, and everyone was silent. They worked their way to the river and waded through, and their fur was already beginning to dry under the hot greenleaf sun by the time they made it across Sunningrocks. Minnow's pelt felt like it was being scorched by the sun, but she didn't complain. She felt a sense of urgency as Birchstar led them towards the slope that dipped down towards the Gathering hollow. As they stood at the top, Minnow could see a few cat shapes taking shelter in the shade of Fourtrees.

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