Chapter 11

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After Minnow's talk with Nightwhisper about his vision, her mind was swimming with countless thoughts, most of them bad. She looked around the camp; Troutleap was returning from burying Thrushkit, and once again Minnow felt a stab of fear. Was the little tom's untimely death a result of an early birth, or was the curse resurfacing?

    Movement caught Minnow's eye and she saw Nettlestep moving towards the center of camp with Falconkit bouncing along behind her. Soon after, Pebblenose and Sorrelstream exited the nursery, leading Rainkit, Lilykit, Otterkit, and Shellkit along with them as they joined Nettlestep in the clearing. Fluffy white clouds continued to swim across the blue sky, casting small shadows here and there, and there was a light breeze. It was promising to be a cool day, which was a nice reprieve from the scorching greenleaf heat, but it was also a reminder that leaf-fall was fast approaching.

    Minnow realized she was staring at the three queens when Sorrelstream caught her eye, cocked her head in confusion, and called out, "Minnow!"

    Shaking her head to clear it, Minnow joined her friend. "Is something wrong?" Sorrelstream asked, pulling her sand-colored tail out of Otterkit's reach. The little red-brown tom was chasing it, and Shellkit was climbing onto Sorrelstream's shoulders.

    Minnow purred at their antics, picturing Storm and Rose. She wondered how the two loner kits were doing. "I was just thinking," she replied. It wasn't exactly a lie, and Minnow wasn't sure that she wanted to unload her troubles on Sorrelstream. With Otterkit and Shellkit, the queen had her paws full already.

    "You're welcome to join us, if you're not busy," Pebblenose meowed invitingly. The fluffy white she-cat was laying on her side, basking in the sunlight. Rainkit was crouched behind her mother's belly, stalking Lilykit, who was unaware of her sister's approach. With a clumsy leap, Rainkit launched herself over Pebblenose and crushed Lilykit to the ground. Immediately the two she-kits leapt up and began chasing each other around camp.

    Minnow sat down beside Sorrelstream, tucking her paws beneath her, trying to push away her worries. For a long while, Minnow and the queens watched the five kits race around camp, playing, and Minnow thought it was a refreshing sight. A strange feeling stirred inside her but she pushed it away.

    The ferns at the camp entrance rustled and parted as Tawnyclaw, Cherryheart, Specklefur, and Reedtail returned, jaws laden with fish. Falconkit spotted them and called to Nettlestep, "Can I go on the next hunting patrol? I want to catch a fish!"

    Clearly fighting back a purr of amusement, Nettlestep answered her son, "No, you have to be an apprentice."

    "But I'm almost an apprentice!" Falconkit protested. "I'm five moons old, almost six!"

    Nettlestep sat up and dragged Falconkit closer with a paw, whiskers twitching. "Almost six moons isn't six moons," she meowed. "You'll have your ceremony soon."

    Minnow was a little surprised that Falconkit was already almost an apprentice; he was so small that he looked like he was only three or four moons old, but soon enough he'd be on his path towards becoming a warrior. "They grow up fast, don't they?" she murmured.

    Nettlestep purred and met Minnow's gaze, fighting to keep Falconkit still. "You're telling me," she replied, laughter in her eyes.

    Soon Falconkit forgot about going on a patrol and was back to playing, and after a clumsy leap he crash-landed into Minnow. "Sorry, Minnow!" he apologized quickly, scrambling to his paws.

    "It's okay," Minnow reassured him. "It'll take more than that to keep me down."

    Falconkit's whiskers twitched, and he half-turned away before looking back at Minnow with curious eyes. "Why don't you have a warrior name?" he asked.

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