Chapter 12

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 Two days later, Silverheart made the announcement that Poppywhisker was getting better, and so were Graykit, Puddlekit, and Hailkit. Every cat in RiverClan was relieved to hear the news, and it seemed that things were taking a turn for the better. Minnow hadn't spoken to Apollo since their argument in the forest, and he had been sleeping across the den from her. After Silverheart's news, Minnow had begun to wonder if she had panicked too quickly and was worrying for no reason, but she still couldn't brush off the feeling of unease that dug under her pelt like a relentless burr. Either way, she was starting to regret how she had talked to Apollo; she knew it had been selfish to expect him to understand her plight, not to mention how she had tried to make him feel bad for fitting in with RiverClan so well.

Fish-brain, she scolded herself as she sat outside the warriors' den one mid-morning, grooming her pelt. Apollo had quickly volunteered himself for a patrol as soon as he'd exited the den that morning, not even glancing at Minnow. It had hurt, but she knew she deserved it. She hated that Apollo was avoiding her right now, but she couldn't blame him. No cat truly understands how I feel, she thought. That doesn't make them bad, but it also doesn't invalidate my feelings. She sighed. Why did life have to be so complicated?

Minnow watched the camp around her. Falconkit was following Twigtail around, the large brown warrior speaking to his son as they walked. Lilykit, Rainkit, Otterkit, and Shellkit were playing a game of tag around the nursery, elders' den, and medicine den while Pebblenose and Sorrelstream looked on fondly, speaking softly to each other. Watching the kits play gave Minnow the same strange feeling she had felt a few days ago, but once more she brushed it away. Her gaze settled on Ashflower, who was sitting just outside the nursery, eyes drifting inattentively around the camp. Minnow knew that her mother hadn't been the same since Bristlepelt died; she had mostly stayed in the nursery, spending less time with her Clanmates and withdrawing into herself. A stab of guilt hit Minnow in the chest as she realized how little she had spoken to Ashflower lately. She had been too wrapped up in herself to even share tongues with her mother.

Minnow padded across camp towards the nursery, and Ashflower looked up as she approached. The queen's blue eyes were a little dull, but they brightened the slightest bit at the sight of Minnow, and she purred. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Ashflower purred jokingly.

Minnow sat down next to Ashflower and sighed. "I'm sorry," she murmured.

Cocking her head, Ashflower replied, "What for?"

Minnow met her mother's gaze. "I don't see you much," she said simply. "I'm too focused on myself lately, and I just..." She trailed off, unsure of what else to say.

Ashflower sighed this time. "You don't have to be sorry," she meowed, her voice soft. "I understand that this is a big adjustment for you. For Apollo, too."

"Not so much for him," Minnow mumbled, a small bit of anger returning as she thought about their fight. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself.

Ashflower was watching her, her eyes gentle and understanding. "Do you resent him for acclimating to RiverClan so well?"

It was a hard question for Minnow to answer. "It would be a selfish thing to feel," she said slowly. "But I can't help it. I don't want him to struggle to find his place by any means, but why can't it be as easy for me?"

"It's going to take some time," Ashflower reasoned. "You've been through things that most cats wouldn't even deem possible. And you made a life for yourself outside of RiverClan; you can't forget that. You've bounced around from one life to another in complete chaos. All you need is some stability."

Ashflower's words were comforting, but they made Minnow think once again about the prospect of leaving again. She wasn't sure if she meant it when she had first said it, but if her curse really hadn't gone away, she knew she wouldn't think twice about fleeing. The thought saddened her.

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