Day 17 James 4:17

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James 4:17

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

If you have a choice to make between right and wrong and you choose right, you are pleasing the Lord. But id you choose the wrong oath, you are doing sin and this time, you aren't pleasing the lord, you are pleasing the devil and growing away from your relationship with God. You are falling into what Satan wants you to do. You are falling into temptation. Once you fall into temptation, the devil will try to make you believe that God doesn't love a sinner and he tries to ruin your relationship with Him. But we should remember that God does love a sinner. He sent  His one and only son to on the cross for us. God knows that we are not perfect and that we fall into temptation and make mistakes, but He still forgives us. He loves every single person on earth. Saint or Sinner.

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